Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Anorexia/Bulimia disorder[x] You know what fasting is.
[x] You've been on a fast before.
[ ] You've gone more than two days with out eating.
[x] You've purged your food before (aka Thrown up).
[x] You dont like the way you look.
[ ] You obsess about how many calories are in your food.
[ ] You excersise more than anything else in your daily life.
[x] You have low-self esteem.
[ ] You've lost alot of weight in the past year.
[x] You have persistent negative comments to say about your body shape and size.
[ ] Your personality has changed, or you think your "huge" when others say that your skinny.
Bi-Polar Disorder
[x] You can be happy one moment, and then be pissed the next.
[ ] Your mood is either at a very high point, or a very low point.
[x] You have sudden outbursts out of nowhere.
[x] You get pissed off easily.
[ ] People have asked you if you've had bi-polar before.
[x] You use curse words/sometimes.
[ ] You are severely depressed, or it comes and goes very often.
[ ] You get so depressed, that its hard to get out of bed at times.
[x] You always seem to have tons of energy.
[x (hardly ever sleep)] You hardly ever sleep, or engage into things such as drugs, alcohol, or risky sex activities.
[x] You've had or still have suicidal thoughts, or have attempted it.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
[x] You have unwanted ideas or impulses to do things.
[x] You have urges to do things, to relieve a discomfort you might be feeling.
[x] You are obsessed with something that you do every single day.
[x] You have anxiety or feel distressed.
[ ] You feel like if you dont repeat a certain act, whatever it may be, something bad might happen to you or a loved one.
[x] You can easily loose control of your mind.
[ ] You like to make sure you're clean all the time.
[x] You've thought you might have obsessive compulsive disorder before.
[x]Certain impulses or images come to your mind often.
[x] You repeat certain acts to get whatever it is out of your mind.
[x] Your obsession interfeats with school, work, or social life...or you tend to feel paranoid.
[x] You have violent behavior.
[x] You tend to have multiple personalities.
[x] You have delusional thoughts.
[x] You have paranoia.
[x (sometimes)] You isolate your self from being social with people.
[x]You have trouble sleeping.
[x] You sometimes have unusual sensitivity.
[ ] You've had hallucinations before.
[x (sometimes)] You have a flat voice, lack eye contact, and a blank face expression while talking.
[ ] You have difficulty with your speech, or answering questions normally.
[x] Are you real emotional?
Multiple Personality Disorder
[one count?] You've been exposed to many traumatic situations.
[x] Your personality can change within seconds.
[x] You sometimes act like your a different person, but its only in a certain mood you get into.
[x] You cant remember many things that have happened in your life
[ ] You some times feel like your body is not real, as if its changing in size, shape, color, ect.
[ ] You look at something and you feel like its changing in size, shape, and color to...or as if what your looking at is not even real.
[x] You can become very stressed easily.
[x] You have forgotten bits and pieces of your child hood.
[x] You are unable to recall personal information.
[ ] You feel as if your not even here, and that your more than one person.
So. I'm an obsessive compulsive schizo. O.o
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