Friday, June 29, 2007
ORP IS NEXT. AND MY MATHS CLASS IS EXPECTED TO GET A1 FOR ALL. -dies-Anyways on to better subjects.
Oh wait not just yet. I'd like to know why...
GHOST WHISPERER IS JUST SO CLICHE, YET I WATCH IT. Cause it's like, she tells the person, and they don't believe her, but they come back later. WTF... AND ALWAYS. ALWAYS THERES SOME FINAL SHOWDOWN THINGY. Like, Heroes, do they have? And SUPERNATURAL and this ghost whisperer. Everyone's preparing for some showdown.
Okay so anyways.
The Renegade Calvary. We march our own way. No other leads us, no other commands us.
XD I thought up of it. But Fon's nickname is AMAZING. See...
Without aim, we continued walking. No emotions and strings attached.
That's fucking cool... So I WNA GO TO A CARNIVAL TOMORROW. This acs barker one la. But dad needs to get home for permission. O.o
Btw, I'm a TOTAL n00b at lj. This poor girl, I'm guessing, had to help me out like srsly help out, go completely out of her way. She's SO great. <333
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