Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I REALLY can't stand people who post about their life's problems on a public diary. Goddamnit. Not everyone wants to hear your fucking shit, so just make it private or something so we don't have to see it!

And I prolly do that sometimes but I'm an occasional self-justified hypocrite so that kinda cancels out everything.

But really, you can't help but roll your eyes when you read it, cause it's just so frickkin' drama mama. You know you don't just air your dirty laundy.

See here's the deal, I have this friend (London) and she keeps mama-ing about how everything's everyone's fault, I know I do that too, but I know how to stop. On the other hand, SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO. It's like, she goes on and on and on. And on the merciful times she stops, it DOESN'T LAST LONG. GODDAMNIT. I'm just so frustrated. She'a a really good friend, but sometimes I just get either so frustrated with her or repulsed or something. But I can't tell her that, cause I love her when she's not being a snark, which is increasingly rare. And like, she blows me off, like if we have this date to meet online in a forum and terrorize people (XD personal favourite), she'll NOT show up and it's some lame excuse but I don't wna confront her and such. It's just so hard!

But she has a reason, she's got a broken family, cause her dad had a different family and her mum found out only last year and shit like that. But at the same time, she has GOT TO STOP SELF PITYING.

OOOOH Nazism is interesting, the ideology. But that doesn't mean I'm a nazi!!! XDDDDDDDD I'm hoping someone on tpu would tell me about it. XD


Posted by Rebecca @ 7:54 PM