Sunday, November 11, 2007
OMG EXAMS ARE OVERI mean, finally!!!
The talk of "After Os..." isn't talk any longer, it's fucking reality! Gosh. Feels great.
Hahaha, I know I'm really late in actually posting about the end of Os, like, you're supposed to post IMMEDIATELY after the exams have ended or whatever, but I don't give a damn! I'm too busy enjoying myself! Hahahahah. XD
So we went out on, uh, what was it? TUESDAY. Hahaha, yeah. Rui, Drey, Fon and I went to The Heeren to take neoprints (tres cool) then Rui left us to go to her dance school. Incidentally, no one was there. DX Poor dearie. So after, Drey, Tings, MAYBLE (believe it), Fon and I went to watch Game Plan. Good shit. I CANNOT believe the man whose Deck I had in WWE Cards was dancing ballet. O.o Hahahaha, whassisface, uh, Dywane Johnson. I think I got that wrong. XD Cause I always knew him as THE ROCK. YEAH MAN.
So the next day, mum took Fon and me to do our hair, like DYE. Sis got a cut only, so she left early. We sat there for like a jillion (well, five really, for me, four for her) hours, and by the end, I REALLY had to pee. XD Anyways, my hair's like brown-red coppery like, with purple streaks. It was supposed to be irridescent purple, but for some fucked reason, it's botched. I look a little Ah Lian-ish. DX NOOOOO. Anyways, the streaks look cool. At least I know what to do next time. Normal black hair, LOADS OF PURPLE. It pwns ALL colours. <333333 But it's RUNNING IN THE SHOWER!! DDDDDDDX NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Still, it looks more purple now. Hopefully it'll stop running. Cause it was a mix of two colours, and it kinda looked purple-fuschia, and yesterday it looked more fuschia, and today it's more purple, so YAY. Hopefully it stays that way. XDDD And I think I see a whole lot of purple things cause I sometimes look through my fringe, and I'm all, "OMG I didn't know that was purple!" And then I realise and I go, O.o Okay... XD RHEtarded. XD
Okay so yesterday I had ballet and I practically, no scatch that, FULLY cried. Cause we had to do this really retarded back thing, cause we have to strengthen or flexibilize (???) our backs for this barre exercise (hold at 90 degrees behind or FAIL THE EXERCISE) and we had to practically bend all the way backwards, like doubled back. And I felt like I had just broke my back. Like, the pain was UNSPEAKABLE. So I didn't speak, I cried. XD Everyone was going like OWWWW, but I'm the drama one, so OF COURSE. Hahahaha.
Then we (Natalie Cheung, Jas and I) had to attend the 2.30 interfoundation class for discipline or whatever. Which was SO untrue. Cause we're totally more disciplined than that class, I can fully say that. We went, and basically, when THEY had to do that back exercise, this girl, Sherilyn, was screaming like crazy. And this other girl was like FUCK. Not that I don't use it, but please. They're loud, and rowdy, and the most undisciplined ballerinas I have ever seen. Their steps were too easy, but apparently, it's not the steps that are majorly graded in the exam, it's the way they hold themselves, behave, blawblawblaw. And Ms Gina was kinda right, they would fail the moment they stepped into the examination room.
So anyways, I have to go to this stupid school function that mum's dragging sis and me to it on Tuesday, convenient clashing with ALL my plans. So I'm in the midst (procrastinating's more like it) of postponing all, feeling TRES inconsiderate. I'm supposed to have Fon over with a sleepover, then the next day, we're meeting Jade. XD
And I'm getting my own room! I'm TAKING OVER our room, which is SO much bigger, whilst sis is taking the next door room. Cons: No in-built closet. Pros: MANY MANY, plus NO IN-BUILT CLOSET. The next door one's hideous. XD But sis'll spruce it up so I'm not too worried. Thing is, I'm way too lazy to get off my bum and tidy up my stuff, collect textbooks, revision books, notes and the like. DX
Okay whatever, I'm gna go and shower. All attempts to contact Jade have been the PHAIL, so I'll see later on tonight. XD TAAS people. Miss me.
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