Saturday, January 19, 2008
So this is gna.
Be a long post, so sit tight and comfy! XD PICTURES THOUGH! YEY. XDSo yesterday, it was basically a slacking day. I didn't actually take lessons seriously because for every lesson, there would be a break after. And get this, at the end of the day, we had to wait 2 hours for a 1 hour class. Like omg, it's so stupid. And I spent that last class (math) sleeping cause I was the only person who didn't have questions with homework. We kinda push the teachy around but whatever. XD
So after school was our musical audition. OMG. And ultimately, it was great. XD We got better than good responses from the teachers; they were really positive. <333 And Haniel and I had to do this acting scene where there were rumours spread around the school about us together and I was "terribly upset" and avoiding him, and that was the ultimate confrontation. So lame la. XD And Mr Goh asked us if we were together after watching it. THAT SILLY MAN. HAHAHAHA.
Meeh, going to aunt's house, BRB. Come back for more tonight, ya'll! XDDD
Edit: I'M BACK!!!
So where was I? Oh yes. After the audition was dance prac, OMG Mr Dan or Den or whatever, is an INSANE MAN. His stretching/torture is sadistic. Seriously. Now, I'm aching in places I didn't even know I had muscles. Rachelle and I left at 5.30 though. She had a fam function, I had to go to Jun Hong's for bbq!! XD It escapes me how Haniel found out about it, but I wasn't hiding it from him. I just didn't think he'd wna go cause he knew like no one. So I basically almost got lost, snapped at Jun Hong on the phone a lot (SORRY!) and he ran from one bus stop to another to find me. XD Poor boy. HAHA. So we went there, and I got into the kiddy pool straight away to play with Sam and Jan. Jun Hong went to change into un-dry clothes. HAHA. Then we wanted to move to the tennis courts cause kids were bugging us for water balloons, but we got ideas from a little girl who we gave an empty balloon to and filled it up with the shower tap. HAHA. XDDDDDD SO FAST YOU KNOW!! And I believe I've become an expert water balloon tie-er now. XD We had to play outside the courts cause it wasn't booked, and Jan had to leave like immediately after, just when Jun Hong booked the courts for two hours. O.o WTF. HAHA.
Then we set up the BBQ. NO LIGHTER FOR THE FIRE STARTERS!! Jun Hong went to borrow from the security guard, but his one was laopok one. Then I ran to some neighbour's house to borrow (OMG) and successfully lit some, then Jun Hong returned with ANOTHER guard's lighter and we lit somemore. Then when I returned the neighbour's lighter, we discovered we needed to light somemore. GRR. So I ran to some random guy and asked for a lighter. XD He's so sweet, stood there waiting for me. HAHA. Then lit finish, and essentially made like satay uncles and fanned the damn thing. We thought it was gna go out, but the Jun Hong's OG and OGLs came and Jason rescued us. In the end, he got a pretty good thing going, and became the cook as well. HAHA. He's still OGL-ing everyone, was really nice of him though. I met my tuition pal, but SHIT I forgot her name. DIE. DX Her twin said someone liked me, and Jason was like "AIYO you hear something cannot keep it a secret ah!" And I was like OKAAAYYYY...
So Sam and I felt damn extra, so we ran and JUMPED into the pool. HAHA so fun! Jason wanted to push us in, but we jumped in first! XD And we swam and such, got out, filled water balloons and jumped in again, TOOK OFF OUR SHIRTS. HAHAHA. Cause the security guard was nearby, and we wanted to look like we were wearing swimsuits. Jun Hong brought us chicken and got a fright. HAHA. Then we went back, played Truth or Dare for a bit, ate a little, and went to the pool again to jump in cause we were freezing and Sam needed to go soon. We played at skimming water balloons on the water, AWESOME LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Then went to Jun Hong's house to change and take PICTURES, then went home. Blawblablaw. PICTURES HERE! XD

AND there's more. HAHAHA.
So today, hiphop at 8.30, OMG UNEARTHLY HOUR. So it was pretty fun. Mr Willy is like, so tiny. XD Cute. Then ballet, I was like underperforming and essentially dead, cause I was pretty tired from dance. I'll do better next week, I'LL BUY GATORADE!! XD Then piano at 2, OMG. Sideread until I was in such a bad mood, but alright la. The song-choosing is pretty tough, and annoying. HAHA. Then so as you can see from above, I went to my aunt's house for dinner cause it was Vanessa's, my cousin's, birthday. Pretty good food, and they had cupcakes! It's like the IN THING with our family nowadays, instead of birthday cakes. XD YUMMMMM. So that's it. MY MUSCLES HURT LA. OMG. Gna shower now, maybe hot water will help. GOODBYE LOVES, thanks for bearing with me. XD Til next time!
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