Thursday, February 7, 2008

CNY lunch.

Apparently we could go over for lunch, cause my aunt offered to cook. In the end, NO MEE SWUA. What tradition what! It was stuff like beehoon and PIZZA FROM PIZZA HUT. XD And mum's chicken and wanton soup. The soup was a little strange, if you ask me...

So it was pretty okay. I had my first ever conversation with Uncle Brian (Bryan??) in my life. And you know what's absolutely unfair? He's my uncle, even though he's ONE YEAR OLDER THAN ME. BS LA. And he kept attacking me harder than Gorgor Paul, Daniel or Sam did over my liking of Rock/Metal. TSK! Apparently I act way too 'ditzy' for someone who likes Metal. Is there a norm for metal lovers?? DEATH TO FAKE METALLLLLLLL. HAHA random moment there. Geez, I forgot what band that phrase was in association too. Tsk. Well whatever, if I forget it, it's not THAT important. But then again, I forget most stuff. HUH?? OKAY out of point here. XD But it was fun, I guess. I have two extra ang paos! One from Ah Ma for my O level results. <333 And another one I found under my pouch. Huh...? Strange. Oh well, people love me. XD But we can't open it til tomorrow, mum sais. DX We have another reunion dinner thing, so I guess I can understand. Collect all first. HAHA.

So I'm gna post the pix later cause nao my phone isn't with me. YA'LL HAVE TO WAIT! XDDDDDDDD <33333333333333


Posted by Rebecca @ 3:10 PM