Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Found a new blogskin. Not THAT awesome but I think I was gna give up, so I just bullshat. XD PS, long post, sit tight! XDPractically NO ONE in Singapore is online now. Or afk. DER. XD CNY reunion dinnairs. Just got back from mine. OMG LA something damn funny happened. I was gna bite into my fishball, and apparently it's so springy that it sprang from my spoon and rolled across the table NEXT TO MY GRANDFATHER'S PLATE. HAHAHAHA. I laughed like seow la! Then I was like SORRY YE YE. And he was like ohmygoodness. THEN HE ROLLED IT BACK. HAHAHAHA. He's so cute la. Then my dad sat next to nai nai, and I saw a lot of her in him. My grammys are so cute, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
So today right, Sam came over at around 8 plus, and she didn't actually sleep cause my room was being tidied. TSK. So I burnt the Nightwish CD for her, as well as our Music & Lyrics Minus 1 cause Haniel messaged me at like 7am, woke me up just to tell me to burn the CD, and he's going for rehearsal cause IT'S GOOD FOR HIM. IN THE END NEVER GO, BUT THAT'S FOR LATER EXPLAINING. XD THEN at around 8, Haniel called to ask if he and Dwayne could come over since he's going to school. TSK LA. Like I'm SO honoured. XD
So we hung around my room after, listening to Velvet Revolver, HIM, Mayday Parade and My American Heart. Sam read a bit of Kerrang. I swear, Panic! looks so untidy nao. TSK. SHAVE ALREADY, BOYS. Then I practiced HERO one last time cause I was supposed to go to school at 12 for Lit Week rehearsals. I somehow got roped into playing the piano for Yuen Mei and her friend, and the song's really nais. The agenda was to meet Haniel, Dwayne, Jun Hong, Janice and Aloysius outside school, and at that time I didn't actually realise there was a whole lot of guys. XD
So I brought them over, kept fooling Dwayne and Haniel where my house was and wasn't. HAHAHA. SO FUNNY. XD Then almost immediately after they got settled down, Yuen called to say the rehearsal had been pushed forward to NAO and I needed to get to school. Sam was lovely, came with me. XD <333 Then so I left EVERYONE at my house, AND TOOK THE ONLY SET OF KEYS. So when Jan wanted to leave for a while to go help her aunty with something first, THEY COULDN'T LEAVE. HAHAHA OOPS. I'd like to say that I'm not usually such a terrible host, but this was urgent. DX
So Sam and I reached, only to realise Yuen and her friend wouldn't be here until like 20 minutes later. So we hung around and listened to Nightwish and such, AND SAM FOUND HER BOTTLE! YAAAAAAY. The water was a day old, so cannot drink, so she poured it on the floor and made nais words and such. LIKE SO:

Word, yo. XD
The artist at work.

The end result: TRIBUTE TO NIGHTWISH. <333

The end result: OHMYGOODNESS. XDDD
My scores. RANDOM. XD
THEN I went back, turns out like everyone went to my room and slept, and Haniel told me mum came in and he was like sleeping on my bed hugging my bolster! HAHAHA. Then she asked them to like introduce themselves, and later she came in with fried bread and Dwayne was on the bed, and he was damn shocked. HAHAHA. XD So funny... My mum is amazing. MUM ILU LOTS. <333 We ate a bit of chocolate, then eventually got moving. Mum made two trips to send the whole lot of us to Heartland Mall to eat Pizza Hut before bowling. Again, I HAVE AN AMAZING MUM.
I really wonder where my money disappears to. Somehow, I lose track of what I buy, then suddenly I'm left with a whole lot less than I started out with. MEEP.
Then Janice joined us as Pizza Hut, and she had all of an ice water and some chicken drumsticks. LAME WOMAN GAVE ME 5 CENTS FOR IT. HAHAHAHA WTFBBQ. XD OH apparently Ah Bengs say that?? TSK. Dno Aloy la. XD Okay so after lunch, DWAYNE'S CAP WAS MISSING. Whole hulabaloo, then Haniel actually had it. HAHA IDIOT. Then we went to the alley, but everything was booked, so we went up to play pool. At least, Aloy and Dwayne played. Those ACS guys la... So zai. XD I MADE A COOL JOKE. SEE.
What type of music is very suitable to play pool to?
A-CUE-STICK (Accoustic)
Then Jun Hong happily told us we could go and play nao, so we went down but Dwayne and Aloy stayed up there to play pool, then we had two lanes! We had a bit of problem with the names of the players tho, but the lady at the desk helped. SHE TYPED HANIEL AS HARRY. HAHAHA. Then Dwayne played for Sam's name cause Sam was up there playing with pool Aloy. And I realised something.
After that, we went home, but not before I got a panic attack after seeing meal worms. But no shit people, THOSE WERE HUGE. Like, the thickness of a pencil. Almost. They were huge and brown and had large crawly legs and lines across their bodies, AND THEY WERE WRITHING LIKE MAD. DIE LA. I ran to Sam and clung on to her arm, and I was pressing my fingertips into her repeatedly. It was something about my fingertips la... Damn weird. I was literally wringing Dwayne's cap in my hands and running my thumbs over that bumpy thing at the back to adjust the width. I was SO freaked, I wanted to cry. THE WORMS ARE SO DISGUSTING. I WON'T THINK ABOUT IT ANYMORE.
Then later went to KFC to get a drink, everyone left cept for Haniel, OH AND EDWARD WAS THERE. XD With his friends. Then yer, went home. OMG la this ah ma in front of us take like DAMN LONG, literally 10 minutes I think, just for like 7 orders. I can't believe it la. I think it's her reunion dinner. TSK. Lame la... But she damn poor thing la, nao I'm not angry. Just now I was PISSED. XD Then went home and slept til 6, then went grammy's house for dinnair. Yer.
So nao I'm gna shower, and sleep. Tomorrow, promise, more pix, if Janice sends them to me. XD And the pix from my O level results release day, cause it'll be so boring at home tomorrow. OH and some random pictures as well. If you're lucky! XDDDDD Poor Ah Ma cannot have reunion lunch cause her back is too painful to allow her to stand and cook. DX <33333
By Janice: An attempt at controversy. XD
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