Saturday, February 2, 2008
So today, I went to school for hiphop again, SO EARLY. Had to do pushups cause a bunch of people didn't show up. Had to do 40, but we did 30 the first time then I zao-ed early for ballet. XD So fun you know, we did body conditioning, first time in a LONG time. Makes me miss Ms Bibianna days. Then we did the funk dance for the musical. SO FUN LA THE DANCE. XD Then after, went to ballet. Ran to dad's car, then ran up to the studio, in the end Ms Gina was late. GRRWTFBBQ. XD Got that BBQ idea from Dwayne! HAHAHA. Your blog, dude. XD CAN I LINK YOU? Tag your answer bby.
So after ballet, found out that PIANO WAS CANCELLED. YAAAAAY. XD Considering the fact that I didn't prepare that Fantasie or-whatever-it's-called-I-don't-think-it's-called-that piece, I was pretty psyched. XD And that meant I could go out! Which I did. XD We ixnayed the movie thing cause weekend rates are a bitch. But KuKu, BuBu and I went to Plaza Sing to eat SWENSENS! Took really long cause BuBu was late. IDIOT. XD So after, I went to Novena, they came along, and I went off to church whilst they went to buy hair gel for BuBu. O.o OH KuKu is on now, I better go ask what they did when I went off.
I tell you this funny thing. I'm not really a holy kinda person, but somehow, when I was watching her pray in the water, I felt all tingly and butterflies-in-the-tummy-and-palms-like, and I had this feeling that God was there. I know he's omnipresent and basically everywhere, but I had an inkling that he was THERE. Like there there. You mayn't get me, but whatever. Then like, I had three consecutive bursts of warm feeling in me, like the kind you get when you're hot and just about to break out into a sweat, but I didn't. So it was really strange, kinda magical, and curiously wonderful for me. I think I experienced God there. I dno? I'm not too sure! OMG.
And we went home after going to NTUC to buy oranges, and sis and I went to turn on the landing light for the staircase. AND THE FUNNIEST THING HAPPENED. See, our switches for the landing light are like, one is on the first floor, the other is on the second. I was upstairs, and sis was downstairs. So I turned it on first, then she switched it off by accident. So I was all TSK. Then I went to turn it on again, JUST AS SHE DID. HAHAHA. So we flicked it at the same time AND THE LIGHT BASICALLY WENT ON FOR LIKE A MILLISECOND OF A MILISECOND THEN TURNED OFF AGAIN. HAHAHAHA. It was so funnyyyyyyyyyy. Showed mum the dance just now, she sais it's fun. XD
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