Wednesday, February 20, 2008
No one's been blogging. They're prolly waiting for me to pepper up their insignificant lives. HAHAHAHA. Naw, I love ya'll and you know it. Just be more, bloggish. Y'know? Bloggish can be defined like:
Mhm, something like that. XD
OMG AND I LEARNT, A JIFFY IS AN ACTUAL MEASUREMENT FOR 1/100TH OF A SECOND!! OMG. AWESOME. I didn't actually think it was a real word yo. XD
So today, academic orientation of second intake! Ohmygoodness, I had to make new friends all over again... So there were like MANY sjc people, and I didn't wna speak to them. HAHA. Dno why. Fresh start? Whatever. So Haniel was being all loner-ish cause he didn't wna make new friends when he would only be with them for a week. Yer. So he was kinda bitchy the whole day, but he was better when school ended. I think the bloody long talks had it in for everyone, and everyone was pretty much cranky, cept for me, but I dno why. Eh... Actually, I was a little cranky myself, coming to realise. XD So yer. BUT FON WAS THERE! Made a few puns. I tell you, it's her presence that inspires me! HAHA. XD AND SHE'S SLEEPING OVER TOMORROW NIGHT. GOOD TIMES ARE HERE AGAIN. HAHAHA YAAAAAAAAAAAAY. <3333333333 ILU FON.
Then in the afternoon, we went to Good News to pass time before the musical rehearsal, and we were singing away like randomly and Kenneth told like a bad joke about "THE PING PONG BALL". Thank goodness Janice told me already, or we would've been stuck there for 10 minutes, I reckon. XD Then like, Kenneth has an amazing jazz voice, I LOVE MUCH. But he can't sing pop and such, only jazz. Poor guy. He still can train though. And he seriously sounds like the Disney Movies narrator, especially the narrator singing guy who sang "When You Wish Upon A Star". IT WAS SO AMAZING, AND SCARY AT THE SAME TIME. The similarity was freaky. Then since Disney was brought up, I sang a few lines from Snow White, "Someday My Prince Will Come", and Kenneth said he got the goosebumps! In a good way, course. XD I was so flattered, I'm still so happy about it. Haniel, as usual, was abusing his vibrato. TSK.
Then like, he accompanied me to rush home to get my polo tee and shorts cause I thought since Reginald was coming for rehearsals, we would be doing blocking for dance steps. In the end, nay, but whatever. Walked off the excess food. HAHA. OMG AND LIONEL HAD THIS RED PIMPLE AT THE END OF HIS NOSE. HAHA. Poor bby, he was perpetually covering it. HAHA. But it wasn't that obvious. Haniel thought it was a nose bleed. HAHA. XD THEN WE WERE DAMN HIGH TODAY LA. HAHAHA. All went into the LT from upstairs singing and dancing, and this continued for close to half an hour. HAHAHA. XD Damn fun. Most fun I've had in a while. Yaaaaaaay. The seniors rock la! XD
Then we did some funny game that basically involved walking really slowly around with retarded expressions like HAPPY LIKE YOU GOT 4 A1s and ANGRY LIKE SOMEONE STOLE YOUR IPOD. HAHA. And RUNNING TOO. Okay that was insane. Running with a crazy happy face. WASN'T HARD TO DO. HAHA. We were laughing the whole time, got time out to laugh and think about our face. HAHAHAHAHAHA ROTFLMFAOBBQ. XDDDDDDDDDDD
So Britty just sent me a pic. FRANK. CHUBB. OBSERVE.

AND WE WERE TALKING ABOUT BOUNCING ON HIM. HAHA. AND GOING ALL BOINGGGGGGGG AND WIBBLE WUGGA WOOOO. HAHAHAHAHA. XD Oops, sorry, but we're talking in caps nao so yer. Hahaha. I love Britty SO MUCH. <333333333333
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