Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Trial-ish run yesterday.


And here I thought I improved vastly. DX Yeah right. All of 31 seconds faster than the last one, and a mere 16 seconds faster than my last year's PFT. It's my fastest time ever in my life but I'm aiming to get faster. No excuse cause PE is so intense. I shouldn't walk.

So like, I could run with my iPod! Burn It Down is a kickass running song! Synyster Gates solos my legs on. <3

Today I borrowed Aleem's jacket. I looked like Isha. HAHA. And he made me stick my pen into my hair. The fluffy "padeep" pen. HAHAHA loser. XD I basically bunned up my hair for the whole day, and apparently it looked very short. Like, people kept asking me if I cut it. And one told me I looked like a serious ballerina. I just thought I looked snooty. DX But it feels really good cause there's no ponytail flipping around in the way. XD

And for GP, we watched this China student video, and everyone's like a mugger. OMG. I got so inspired to study. Yet, after I reached home, I slept for 2 hours and am now using the computer. HAHAHA. Go figure.

Tomorrow's musical. AH. We're getting our shirts tomorrow! YAAAAAY I LOVE YOU MANDA AND FEL. <333333 I'll miss everyone so much la. Kenneth, he's like the only aunty person I know. And Lionel's like, teeheehee. Shuai wor! You should comb your hair more often. XD But now he's gone and CUT IT. DX

I want a dog. Perdy. <3 It feels great, now that I can message you everyday without worrying. Much. XDDDDD

Absolutely drive you wild.


Posted by Rebecca @ 8:06 PM