Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Had to run up to the gallery twice, do burpees (WHAT??) and shuttle runs. Like three times. It was kinda like a relay thingy. And by the second round, our people were everywhere. DX It was so messy, I got so frustrated. GAH. Nevermind, it's over. But I was so tired, I wanted to faint! Like, the world was in technicolour. Now I gotta train for PE. HAHAHA. Imagine that. So ironic. PE is supposed to help you train for your NAPFA, and here I am training for PE. But today was insane. If I can do this okay-ish, 2.4 will be a breeze! And I got more tan. Bah.Meeh. So musical was really fun today. XD Prolly the most relaxed practice ever. Chris was like kinda high, so it was funnn. And we learnt Happy Days, a real nice song. Couldn't help dancing everytime we were singing it! And Chris kept fast forwarding through scenes, so we goofed around like a whole lot. XD So it was awesome today. XD
Tomorrow I'm gna was up at 5.30, to run. XD Train, I told you! PLUS if you run in the morning before you eat anything, you'll burn your fats for energy cause your insulin and sugar levels are low after 10 hours of fasting. XD Yaaay. So sleeping as early as possible. XD Taas! <333
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