Friday, September 19, 2008

While talking to Jamie...

While talking to Jamie, I realised something.

1) SNG looks like a serial number, whilst TNG looks "perfectly normal."
2) SNG is the front of license plates to be

So we all know who can buy a nice car when it comes out. XD AHEM.

So today I went to school with the serious intention of studying, really I did. Ended up talking to Fon though. HAHA NOT SURPRISED. I THOUGHT I CHANGED LOR. DX CMI LA. HAHAHA WTF. We talked in the canteen, went to buy bubble tea and look for a mamak shop which we never found, then we moved to the fitness corner to muck around freely. XD We played this A7X song shuffle game. HAHA. We had two matching ones: (WHICH I WANTED TO WRITE DOWN BUT THEN I REALISED I CAN'T REMEMBER). Then some extra guys playing football and travelling around, changing location, so I couldn't playplay until they moved on. Annoying. Hahaha. I hung upside down the pull up bar, and sat on the weights one. XD Monkey sio. HAHA.

Then we ate oreo double stuffed. At least, I did. Fon ate one and totally got turned off. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY. I tell you ah, my soul mate will be a dude who LOVES double stuffed, like me. We can snuggle on the couch, watching movies and eating double stuffed now and again. And he'll give me the creamy bit. XD Yeah, Mr Perfect huh. HAHAHA.

But I digress. XD I bit the non-creamy (thank god) part, and it broke apart and fell on the grass! Then I said, "Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles." HAHAHA. I seem to get back my lameness when I'm with Fon. XD Good times, good times.

Talked about what we're gna do after promos. It seems so unreal. GOD I can't wait, I really can't. <3


Posted by Rebecca @ 11:07 PM