Saturday, October 25, 2008
OMG. Last night, I can't even begin to write about it. I dno, guess this'll mortalize it or something. But anyways, long post ahead, so if you don't really care about what I did, you don't have to read it. XDBefore the concert, Fon and I reached there around 3, found Jade pretty front and queued sitting down. Then around 5/6, everyone stood up and moved forward so we did too. There was a fight all because of this drunk dude who was yelling around at random people before, and the police came with their batons. Retarded. This old jogger dude ran through the middle of it! HAHAHA we all cheered man. XD So with the fights and like the freaking riot we kinda caused, I'm afraid Singapore won't allow these kinda concerts anymore. Waited like that for like half an hour, and suddenly it became seriously squeezy and there were people smoking in the crowd. WTF idiots. Could barely move cause there was a serious lot of pushing and squashing, and we waited like that for an hour plus. Hope now, it's all the fucking troublemakers' faults man. DX OMG I SAW ARTHUR CHIAM!!! HE'S SO COOL NOW, he's got a lip ring. XD Then we all squeezed even more, and that was like a pre-empt to the concert man, seriously. We sang the national anthem, said the pledge and like Avenged songs. EVERYONE knew the lyrics, it felt SO good. And they actually heard us from inside. XD They took my glowsticks when we went in though. DX But I didn't wna get it back cause I was already sprinting in like a freaking gazelle. XD Fon didn't get her stub back. Man, bummer.
The opening band were not bad. Initially, we were all FUCK OFF and GO HOME but they were pretty okay. XD I hate the interval though, they kept playing the same Bad Religion song again and again. PFFT. When they came out, woah man.
Basically, as the show progressed, I got pretty beat up. HAHA. I wasn't in front, UNLIKE SOMEONE and got caught in between the mosh pit and circle pit. Not a good place to be when you're 152cm. My shoulders hurt like mad from the crush, I lost count of the number of time I wasn't able to breathe, ditto with almost falling down and getting my feet trampled on. My left shoe came off for a while, and I managed to grab it and whack people with it. HAHAHA. I kept bending down to tuck in my shoe laces which came off and people kept going "are you okay". A bunch DID watch out for me, guess that's the perk when you're small. But doesn't make up for the "unable-to-see" factor. BAH. I got kicked in the head by a crowd surfer so I pulled him down over my head, and I got strangled by a guy behind me and a dude beside me who was looking pretty concerned since I started to stumble like everywhere yelled at him to let me go. Oh well, during these kinda concerts, you grab anything and everything. HAHAHAHA EH FON?? XD Poor Jade got out of there after the first song. She was sick and like she got hit on the head, fell and got trampled, the works. Man, poor kid.
Their songs were as goes, not in order cause I can't remember.
-Whole of latest album cept for Brompton Cocktail, Lost and Unbound.
*Little Piece Of Heaven was an encore.
-Beast and the Harlot, Bat Country, Seize The Day
-Unholy Confessions, Chapter Four
-New song
-Syn's solo(s)
OMG NOW ABOUT THE GUYS. HAHAHA FAN GIRL GEEK TIME. SYN QUACKED, STUCK OUT HIS TONGUE, GAVE THIS REALLY CUTE FACE AT THE END OF LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN AT THE CRYEYEYEYEY BIT AND GENERALLY LOOKED GORGEOUS. <33333333 He's so beautiful, really, and I loved his solo, like always. But apparently he was really pissed cause he had mic problems. DX Johnny did this little headshake like he was disappointed at the end of Holy Confessions. Think something happened in front, what with all the dirty shoving and such. The Rev moved out at the second song to play the cymbals from the front for a bit, and he looked so cute with his headphones. OMG ZACKY SANG THIS NEW SONG THEY WROTE, HE SOUNDED AMAZING. His voice is like jazzy and ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. It's like really good quality and really high class. XD Matt was like really powerful, his voice was at it's prime tonight, and he had SUCH stage presence. Now you know why I love this band to death, even if I saw so little of them last night, because of the fact that just with those glimpses I got so affected, and the fact that they could command such a crowd to the brink of insanity. My respect for them will never die. They said they'll "be back soon", I can only hope it's soon enough. <3 But y'know, they looked a little too perfect and like they weren't really pumped and having fun. Or maybe I didn't see Zacky, Johnny and The Rev enough.
So the crowd was "brutish", "childish", "rough" and really insane. I have to agree. At Singfest last year, there was a lot more breathing room, I only got kicked in the face, the crowd was more mature and people were heaps nice. There were a few last night who "took care" of me, but not as nice as the ones last year. There were many shoving matches between sides, and it was freaking crushing. Like, at times, I would just be carried around with all the pushyness. MAN. But towards to middle and end, the crowd lost a little of its energy and I was able to shove insanely. HAHA. I was screaming a lot of the songs and people kept looking at me like I was insane. I'M NOT INSANE, I'M NOT INSANE. HAHAHAHAHA. XD
I felt so at home there, everyone loved them as much as I did, everyone (as far as I know) knew all the lyrics. It felt so good to be amongst my own kind. XD <3
It doesn't seem real that I've seen them, only my pains prove that I was there. DX When I think back about it, it's like it's a movie or something. I only remember being in the crowd, more than actually watching my boys. Maybe cause I only got glimpses, and wasn't really able to watch them unlike FON, who was directly IN FRONT and could WATCH. You know Syn acknowleged her! Like she stuck her tongue out at him and he shook his head! HE'S SO CUTE, but I'm depressed. DX He looked at me though, at Seize The Day. Or rather, it felt like it. I was singing and like looking at him with what must've been a look of love and adoration on my face. HAHA oh I'm so pathetic. At the end right, Matt threw like what, rubbish? And it was literally descending down upon me, when suddenly 10 hands shot up. Dno who got it though, or what happened to it. MAN it sucks being short. DX Syn actually gave his pick to the guard to give this girl who had a board saying "Dear God, please give me a pick," AND THIS FUCKING BROAD BITCH SNATCHED IT FROM HER. WTFFFFFFF ASS. I would've killed. And I saw this guy with Johnny's pick. DDDDDX I should be so unlucky. NEVERMIND, NEXT TIME.
It was an amazing night, nevertheless, and I'll be there the next time they're here. Boys, I love you. <3
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