Monday, October 20, 2008


Nothing to say. HAHA. I don't remember what went down today. Prolly nothing interesting enough to bother to remember. Only that I went out with Eve, got a new shiny metal pink barbell! and found out that she likes to mash her tofu with her rice. EWW. HAHA.

Goodness, I dno what's with me and pink recently. Prolly years catching up with me. HAHA. As long as it isn't the pansy shade, I kinda like it. XD

And I made a new friend. XD On audition. He's heaps nice, he's 13. No I'm not making like a Kim and going paedophile. HAHA. Funny thing is, he gave me his number after I just knew him, and his account and pass to help him get his license. HAHA man. Too trusting. Young and naive. XD

That's about it I think. OH how droll and mundane.


Posted by Rebecca @ 10:57 PM