Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Dance was OMG man. After so long, we did some choreography. Fun, but ohman, KILLED. My back now hurts like a bitch. DX The tailbone. It's been hurting for the past few days. GOD I don't need this man. PFFT. Hope I get better quickly.

Dance is violent. XD In a way. It's like being in court cause it's a place of injury. HAHAHA GET IT. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Like, even before dance started, Yuen, Eve and I were doing some shit ass dance thing sitting on the floor, and somehow, Yuen elbowed my cheekbone! I found it veryvery funny. HAHA. Speaking of funny, I haven't laughed this bad for a bit. XD I love dance, I always laugh like MAD when I'm there. Okay BACK TO THE POINT BEX.

Then after that, during choreo, William was marking when I walked past him and I SOMEHOW GOT ELBOWED IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT. I suppose it kinda hurt but I was laughing too hard to care, cause it's just so freaking deja vu. XD If he did the steps properly, it wouldn't have happened! HAHA. Then during the dance, I scratched myself on the face! ARGH. Only felt it after dance was over, and it's like a damn scratch la! Borderline bleeding, those kind.

So the dance was really fast, in a not so awesome way, it was kinda strange and spazmodic. And we have to remember it cause we're continuing on friday. Ohman, I hope he doesn't use this for anything, cause it's just a little too OTT.

So I'm really really pooped, and I feel impending blisters on my feet. WTF impending?? FINE uhm, potential. That's much better. GOD ya'll just caught a glimpse of my split personality right there, happens when I'm tired. HAHAHAHAHA. You have my permission to feel afraid and run away. HAHAHA. Okay but I feel like a rock or something, can't move cept my fingers and eyeballs. That's all that counts, really. HAHAHA. Today only had chinese, and I didn't go. XD But went back in the afternoon to "do PW", after hearing how people missed me so. HAHAHA suuuure. Ended up doing the chicken dance and lip synching to Spice Girls with the kids, amongst other things.

HAHA don't ya'll love me so! <3


You think you have problems.
Pfft. Now you know how I've felt for the longest time.

Posted by Rebecca @ 8:56 PM