Tuesday, October 14, 2008
GOD. I SWEAR, I LOVE KIM.She prevented me from doing the unthinkably rash today. XD
YAAAAAAAAAAAY NO PW TOMORROW. Cause Mr Nahar has to go for some conduct grade meeting. HAHA. Feels good knowing you're not the one they're talking about. XD Oops, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but... Okay I should just shut up. O.O
So we (Haniel, Kim, Joshua, Dwayne and I) went to Clarke Quay to eat Marutama Ramen. Then Haniel went back to school, (sorry bby, I couldn't send you back. DX) and we rest went to Vivo to walkwalk and buy stuff. Like at Candy Empire! HAHA. They took away most of my favorites though. DX I think they might be mad. But I had some fun. XD Like, I engaged in a battle!!! with Joshua at Toys R Us. Weapons of choice: Sponge battering rams and the occasional axe. HAHA man. How childish. XD His secondary school teacher saw us please! SO THROW FACE. HAHA, I so did a Jamie right there. XD I was reading Suicide Bunnies! It's kinda sick, but oh so cute and funny. HAHAHA. My favorite's the corkscrew brain thing. XD I like it when they show the bits/remnants. HAHAHAHA. I AM SICK.
Then after a bit, Dwayne and Kim went back, and Josh and I chilled upstairs, occasionally smack talking the "lians and bengs" a few steps in front of us. HAHA. He attempted to draw hair and such, it was a partial epic fail. XD
NO WAIT how can EPIC be PARTIAL? There's a reason why epic's an extreme term.
Whtaver, it was a phail. That's better. XD
I don't like my mood. So nowadays I'm sad/happy/confused/scared. GOD. Most people'll know what I'm talking about. Cept the one who's kinda the semi-closest to me now. Ohman.
GOD I hate complicated.
Love's lies cruel
Introduced me to you
And at that moment I knew I was out of hope
Kill me, I begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
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