Sunday, October 19, 2008


Sorry I have blogged in a while! If you consider this a while, that is. XD You know how chock full my weekends are. Breakfast on tuesday! YAY.

So ballet was cancelled today, so I could eat with the fam damily. I like today. HAHA. There was some debate drama in church over controversial questions Brother Daniel asked. And there's this guy who loves to say "Oh God (read:GAAD)" in his prayers. He said it 34 times in a 3 minute long prayer. Ohman... O.O Then we went to Jerry's to eat. WHOOSH, herby and thick. You won't see me touching red meat for a while. Man that's chewy, but good. XDDD

After that, sis and I to Nic's house. We basically did nothing but to play on her PS. Goodness, I think I hold the record for fluctuating scores. Try last position for 3 races in a row, then suddenly jumping all over the place on the score board, including topping it more than thrice. Oh I played with her Yamaha acoustic for a bit. God I love that sharp sound, I WANT ONE. My classical goes more BLONG than BLING. HAHA now I sound like a casino machine. XD Nic suggested her fam and mine pool money together for a $500 acoustic made of one piece of wood, but think mine'll object. DX They won't even pay $500 for a freaking drum kit! I know right...

And yesterday, GOSH. We didn't even dance in ballet! Celebrating Val's birthday, so there was cake and laughs all around. MAN there were pretty silly moments too, remembering Jaslyn's WOWOWO at the cake shop. GOODNESS HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then it was all pretty much blahblah for the rest of the day. And thanks to the neck dance, my neck's stiff and knotty. Ohmaaaan. DX To think it's our SYF dance too, meaning constant pain. This takes weird dance pains to the next level.

Going out with Evil tomorrow! YEY. And OP rough presentation tomorrow, informal, but regardless, wish me luck!


Posted by Rebecca @ 10:05 PM