Saturday, January 24, 2009
So yesterday's performances were not bad. Hahahahaha. Cept for the bloody stage at LinKuang home. Eeee. Never gonna change.OMG got lit project due on wednesday. FAINT. Got something due, the reflection thingy. But I'm gna do it at night.
EEE I hate multi-tasking. Darling got his tongue pierced yesterday! SO COOL. Reallyreally awesome lor! But he's not that amped up about it. DX Dno why luh. Then he went to send off his teacher who's leaving for Jakarta for 4 days.
Kay so I'm not gna eat a lot from now on, cause I'm sick of people calling me phat. XD Haniel's the only one who compliments me. But I don't get other reassurances, and I think he's biased anyways. XD So don't scold me or what, cause it's a choice I'm gna make. Maybe it's a resolution, a CHINESE NEW YEAR resolution, seeing that it's too late for a New Year's one. XD OH and to improve on my dance technique and flexibility. WOOHOO.
I've haven't been too happy recently. DX
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