Thursday, January 8, 2009
I HAVE A BLOODY ULCER UNDER MY UPPER LIP. DXToday I woke up at like 9.50 cause of a bad dream. DX I've had that a few times already, and it still sucks EVERYTIME. I called McDelivery on impulse for breakfast. Hahaha. Kinda expensive, but filling. XD I had to anyways, cause I was gna eat a late lunch. So I called at 9.55, they had my details and everything, that totally made me laugh. Hahahahaha. Then they said they'd come around 10.25, so I was like slopping around. Suddenly at 10.05, the doorbell freaking rang! Gave me a fright luh! So I ran all over the place for money and charged downstairs. Talk about efficiency. XD
So we had like dance committee meeting today as usual. Not really considered a meeting luh, cause Maxine and I were out most of the time We had to go to Hougang Mall to print pictures for the boards. Only when we reached then we realised William didn't give us the musical pix. DX So tomorrow we're going early to stick pictures, around 8 or so, and to help with the makeup. Hahaha. The shou xiu in the dance damn nice luh. The music also. I'm so happy we're doing a dance to the same music on Chinese New Year. The music motivates me. XD
Then after that, went to meet my darling. We ate the meesua and the crispy chicken outside Hougang Mall. We went to this playground to eat. I swear, we have this affinity with playgrounds. XD Around 5, we went to look for mic-headphones at Harvey Norman for darling to talk to me on msn when I start school and we can't see each other often. In the end, we agreed to go back tomorrow for dinner at Sakae and to get the same set each. I tell you uh, this week's like our week, saw him Sunday, Tuesday, yesterday, today, and seeing him tomorrow. Cause going back to school already muh. Hahahaha. I think he must be pretty broke. DX Make him go out so much, and he keeps paying for me. DARLING, STOP BEING SUCH A GENTLEMAN! Tomorrow eating Sakae somemore, so after much pestering, he agreed to go dutch. YEY! My poor darling's been sick for two days now. And he had a bad headache today and everything, but he still went to school. Cnt kiss me cause of germs, but I understand, I wouldn't wna either! HAHAHAHA. Take care bby! <3
So about yesterday, it was our first month anniversary! I went to St Gabs and darling cooked lunch for us again. YUMMY YUMMY NOMNOMNOM. XD Then we went to his place, and I hung out with Venus in the living room watching telly, whilst darling went to rest. I do hope he gets better soon!
Tomorrow Open House. BAAAAAAH. So I'll being doing my homework in the spare time we're sitting there. XD BAI ALL.
I love you bby, if you're feeling lousy just give me a call, and I'll make it all better. <3
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