Monday, February 23, 2009

Crossed In Love

Oh god, the irony.

How february is the month for Valentines, but it's like the "Crossed In Love" month this year for like so many people I know. Bumfucks.

Oh random. How everyone uses "Grilled To Perfection". LJS, Burger King, MacDonalds. GAWD, LET'S HAVE SOME ORIGINALITY ALREADY!

Today something funny happened. XD I was doing my GP with Kim and I had this mind block. I wanted to find this phrase that was like inculcating in you vs originally having it, and I was STUCK. Then suddenly it dawned on me. I threw up my hands and exclaimed, rather loudly, I might add, NURTURE VS NATURE!


Bex: Ohman that was loud. An epiphany!
Kim: Of epic proportions.

Hahahahahahaha. Hey, can you blame me? I'm a walking hyperbole. XD

So last night's OGL dinner was faaaaab! I never laughed that much and that long in a really long time. XD These moments, I find, are getting fewer and far between. And that's not good. BOO. Jaymond was wearing this freaking red shirt. My insults to him ranged from "Latina ballroom dancer", "Pizza Hut staff" and even "Cowboy social escort". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Alvin was bloody hilarious, he was the highlight of the evening, methinks. With his facial stunts and cotton candy 'tache. XDDDD PICTURES! There were incriminating videos too, but I'm not allowed to publicize it, on penalty of death. DX

What used to be Alvin's dinner.


ATTACK! Jing Fang, honestly!

SOME Orion OGLs 09! <3

Hilarity was a continuity last night, or I'm missing something.


Yen Hui looks ready to ATTACK!

Hafiz is our SUGAR DADDY! XDDD

'Tache! Cotton candy, you better believe it!

Failed Hitler attempt; looks like MUCUS. GROSS.

Curly tache!

"Waste not, want not!"

Time to pay up maaaan.

It's easy to flag a waiter, wave the MUNNEH!

The fleeting illusion of wealth. XD

We had so much fun! I can't wait for March hols, maybe we'll have a sleepover! See how luh. XD And I'm going shopping immediately after the common test! I wna buy this cute bag and a new wallet. Oh, and Eat Me, Drink Me. XD Speaking of which, I better start studying! HAHAHA.


Posted by Rebecca @ 7:37 PM