Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ogl walk in

OGL Walk In rehearsal was fun today. XD We kinda wasted almost two hours watching the soccer guys defend against RJC during a match. In the end, we won. Dno how. HAHAHA.

I remembered last year, when I was like a freshie, the OGLs did their walk in, and I thought they were UBER COOL Cause they didn't look embarrassed or unsure, they just looked like they really wanted to do it, and it sure as hell convinced me. XD And I could see how it's fun, judging from today. Hahahaha. Soon Hock is SUCH a girl! XD

Then today during piano I actually played quite well know! Smoother for the Sonata and for Brahms. And I didn't really screw up Bach as bad. Hahahaha. Maybe I'm getting used to it. Or maybe cause I played like a little this morning.

MONDAY'S THE START OF GAMES ORIENTATION! I'm gna keep mum til then to preserve my voice. XD

PS. Last night was very very tough, prolly the ultimate low of dealing with it. I think that should be the toughest thing to deal with, so hopefully when this blows over, I'll be done with it all. Thank you Kim, for being there for me, and for always knowing exactly what to say, even at 1am in the morning. XD I love you sugar. <3
Oh and thanks Jason, even though you just sit there feeling bad. HAHAHAHA NAW. XD


Posted by Rebecca @ 5:12 PM