Monday, February 2, 2009

Orientation First Day

SO, I was an OGL for the first day today. XD Basically, my group freshies are kinda quiet, but they warmed up in the end. They actually laughed. HAHA. And I got kinda bullied by those other OGLs who were too lazy to say the bit on The Athenaeum, and made me say my spiel for like 3 groups. Then I stood on tiptoe and yelled, and they looked at me and started laughing. BOO. Ask the short kiddy one to do it, why don't you!


There was the GCE presentation today. OMG it was messed up. Technical problems everywhere. BUT, line of the day!

"One word to describe this trip: INDESCRIBABLE."

OMG and like Dwayne didn't realise he said it until he did! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ULTIMATE! Gawd I love you Dwayne, you made my day. HAHAHA.

OKAY so anyways right, I was like being weird throughout and hyper cause no one was. O.O But it was pretty entertaining, and I think the freshies like me. XD We had a good laugh at the CT venue later on in the day, Halment is so awesome. HAHA. Did I spell his name right? XDDD DEAR JOSHIE WOSHIE(yeah I totally went there) came to tag along and to essentially laugh at my presentations. BOO HIM. He loves my OG apparently, cause he doesn't like his OGLs, two science guys. He wanted to change group. HAHA pity... Maybe next week? We'll see where luck ends us up. HAHA. And he keeps making me feel bad for taking his guitar from him. SORRY LUH!

I swear, PE was the most annoying thing ever today. It was like frigging boot camp, Bernard Tan treats us like guys! Not that I can't do it, course, but he should be a little reasonable. Ahh nevermind, if equality's what we want, equality's what we'll get!

And I cried during the lit night rehearsals. It was just this acting piece by Yuen and Nisha about a mother losing her memory. The last bit just made me SOB. I'm WAY too emotional! HAHAHAHAHA.

So the rest of the week, we don't have to spend a lot of time with our OG anymore, only next week, where it's all games! I am PREPARED TO LOSE MY VOICE. EEP. DX


Posted by Rebecca @ 6:40 PM