Thursday, March 5, 2009


I had a spark of brilliance in literature today. Think I'm finally TRYING HARD, and starting to see the light. I hope I can keep this up! And there was portaloo shaking today in school. XD FUN. I have a video to illustrate that. Hahahaha.

I just realised something.

When you're single, not in a relationship, sure, you're alone and you don't have somebody to love/to love you.

But you have more time for your friends.
More time for yourself, especially when you're so busy.
You don't have extra committments and responsibilities.
Not to mention the worrying, the jealousy.
The unpleasantness when stuff goes wrong, cause indoubtedly, shit WILL happen.

AND you can flirt as much as you like. XD

All in all, I'm actually quite lucky. And I can confidently say this now.

I am happy.

Gosh, I feel so damn good. XD


Posted by Rebecca @ 9:56 PM