Thursday, May 21, 2009
I haven't ever been updating. DX But you know how it is. Hahaha. I'll attempt to make this a nice long chunky post about what's been "happening" now. HAHA yeah right, pfft. XDDDI dno what to think for midyears, don't wna think about it! BOO.
Can't wait til after though. XD I've like saved 80, I'm gna ask for a week's advance and dad's giving me 100. I know it doesn't seem like much for you rich brats out there who get 500 a month (HANIEL) or for CNY (KIM!), but I'll make it go. XD I need new shoes, bag but I've ordered that already, for 16! I bought two dresses and a belt from Yixin's sister's blog shop. XD Apparently I couldn't wait to shop. HAHAHA. But I still wna go shopping with my ballet friends, sis, HANIEL! Omg I can't waiiiiit, a brief breath of fresh air before I have to return to the books. I better make it worth while, for something to show for it. Hahaha. So I'll just give the pix for the two dresses and the bag for ya'll to see!
The dress and belt!
Grey tunic!

The bag!
HAHAHA I know ya'll can't imagine me wearing this, but when I do, I WILL! If that makes any sense at all. XD
I'm spending all my online time on mysoju. Hahahaha, so you know what's been stealing me away from informing ya'll what I do with me life. Ooh thrills. O.o AYG rehearsals whole first and last week of June. Hope I haven't forgotten anything. Got a class dinner after exams on tuesday, Mayble's birthday celebration next thursday, a ballet to watch next friday at esplanade and Much Ado About Nothing on sunday. Hahahaha and that's just plans for the week! Just crawl through a few more days and a few more hours, about 11 plus hours of exams to be precise, AND I'M FREEEEEE! At least, til the next nag from rents. XD
Taas all, miss me! <333
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