Monday, June 22, 2009
Saw myself on TV!

After everyone's been telling me, I FINALLY saw myself on TV! In the AYG advertisement, I totally saw myself doing the flippy fan thing. HAHAHA. I look kinda sotong, a funny thing to be proud of, but at least I was one the tube. 1 second of fame. HAHA.
I was alone in tuition today! But it's alright, cause time seemed to pass fast, together with Normal Distribution questions. Fatin and Aleem didn't come cause they were studying for the geog test tomorrow, and I was merrily doing math. How unappropriate, really. HAHAHA.
I got a Superpoke Pet! It's so cute. XD But methinks the novelty will wear off fast, it isn't as awesome as Pet Society. Meeting SH tomorrow. Gna go to amk then coming back to Kovan to eat bak kut teh. Where's the sense in that, TELL ME. I absolutely protest against eating my own kind! Yeah well, this is resignation to my identity, seeing as it is SO ADAMANTLY perceived by others to be so. PIGS FTW!
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