Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Went swimming today. XD It was heaps fun. Sis and I swam for a bit, I swam the breadth of the pool in three breaths! Then we mucked around at the kid's area, shooting water at each other until we looked like two prunes. XD Went to the sauna, got heated up for like 2 minutes before we wanted out. HAHAHA.
Had math tuition after that in the evening with Aleem and Fat. Aleem and I were late cause I picked him up at school, and when we reached we went to buy bubbletea and fries. HAHAHA. Luckily he called then. That dude is always forgetting we have tuition! We had fun during tuition, laughs all around. XD And Mr Gan is damn sadistic. HAHAHA.
Met Haniel, so I kinda just got home. We met, ate and talked. XD Brought my defective board cause I thought it'd speed things up. MY FOOT. I'm SO getting a new one! I can't wait for tomorrow. XD My last chance to have fun before I have to hit the books. And it's not even halfway through the hols, like I so know right! I can't wait for AYG though, EXCITING. Hahaha.
I'm gna hit the hay soon, right after Christy's finished unloading some goss on me about her and Cory La Quay totally hitting it off! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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