Friday, July 24, 2009
The Haunting In Connecticut

Awesome movie, full of scares though. Not for the faint of heart, nor for the Haniels of the world. XD LOTS OF GORE! Think freshly burned dude, weird morgue with creepy instruments, eyelid cutting and rune inscribing on corpses. EWWW. The theatre was full of screamies. XD We sat behind in the couple seats row, and like the whole row was taken up by couples. So cute. HAHAHA. Back to the movie. XD I was hiding behind darling's hands very muchly, especially towards the end. He left me alone for the toilet at the ectoplasm bit though. DX BOO. We went for Suki before, and thank goodness watching people puke onscreen doesn't turn my not-weak tummy. XD We also took pix of us truly towards the end of the day. I love being able to spend so much time with my darling, I hardly get to. I loves him! XD
I like a few lines from this movie.
"Don't tell anyone, but there are these buildings all over the country where secret knowledge is kept. Normally known as "libraries". HAHAHAHA.
"One bright day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise and came and killed those two dead boys."
It was only just that I noticed everything is more than just creepsville, it's a contradiction.
PS: I miss my darling SO MUCH, and his kisses. <3 Harder and harder to part nowadays. DX We can't see each other for the whole of next week too. I need to study, and he's got drivers' orientation. But I remember it was only last Saturday that we pledged not to see each other for two weeks, so who knows? XD
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