Thursday, July 2, 2009

Proper English

RAAAAAH. I don't like it how some people spoil your impression of them by like acting all ang moh then suddenly their sentence is punctuated with a really bad Singlish accent in some words, and grammar errors. Like, it's really bad neh. If you wna act ang moh, do it all the way please. Don't make all unnatural cause it shows.

I just don't like how proper english has been marred by our "native" accent. Suresure, it's unique, but IT SOUNDS AWFUL. And if you're trying to act all englishy and stuff, I feel embarrassed for you. Just stop dude, don't. Hahahahaha. And like, for example, go dial the Mac delivery hotline. Sometimes I can't even understand the person. Their pronunciation is almost unintelligible! AND THE GRAMMAR, IT'S TERRIBLE.

I know how I'm not exactly the epitome of speaking proper english, if you hear me and my everyday "lingo". HAHAHA. But I can do it well, and I don't act like I THINK I can speak really awesome english and go make a fool of myself!


Posted by Rebecca @ 12:08 PM