Wednesday, July 15, 2009

SH <3

Today, school was pretty uneventful. Now you know that other interesting things happened otherwise I wouldn't dismiss it just like that. XD There was a bad Miss-Lai joke about me though. Ask Kim if you wna hear it; it's hers, and she'd be delighted. HAHA.

After school, I went to Kovan to meet SH. We went to gaigai and ended up at the fitness corner. After, we migrated to a void deck, then to Hougang Plaza. Like WTF I had NO IDEA how we got there. Went back to Kovan after a bit, and shared a Yoshi bowl before heading home. Hahahaha we messed around in the lift at the MRT, SO FUNNY. Went up, then down, then up again for kicks. HAHAHAHA we're such kids. XD I had a good time today, we got closer than before. I won't ever wna lose him. My darling makes me happy beyond words. <3


Posted by Rebecca @ 10:05 PM