Monday, February 15, 2010
Back to blogginggggg.
Okay, I feel bad for neglecting this blog after I randomly went to it today and read my past posts. Gosh I miss purple backgrounds. (OMG I CAN'T PUT HEARTS WITHOUT BLOGGER FUCKING UP. FUCK)So lj will be solely for fic, and this for personal posts. There, my life is sorted. XD
With the Chinese New Year right here, I have some changes in my life that will hopefully allow me to have a fun, eventful year today, even though certain things I picked the worst possible moment to change. BUT, I'll stay hopeful, cause really, what else is there to do?
Anywho, A level results are in 2 weeks! I'm seriously wigging out here. I just realised today, and it seemed like... I dno. So LOOMINGFUL. DX I tend to invent words in moments of sheer panic/overwhelmingness. SEE.
I feel like this year's Valentine's Day passed without a peep. No overly-garish signs/advertisements/decorations. Maybe cause CNY overshadowed it. XD But that itself has been relatively boring. Hoooooo.
In the meantime, I shall enjoy my last two weeks of freedom, before I'm forced to face my results, which really... I'm not looking forward to. I hate disappointment, even though my hopes have an absolutely irrational reason for being there. Then again, their general intangibility gives me absolute zero control over them actually being there in the first place. I don't have a choice here. DDDDDX
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