Monday, March 8, 2010
A level results 10

For you people who don't know what that means, it's AAC/A and B for GP. (: I'm so glad. Let me recount my day. XD
So I was sitting with Xing, Fon and gang at Good News before the release of results, nervous as hell. Then after a while, I couldn't take it anymore, and migrated to outside of the hall with my mates. We sat there, anxious, for what might've seemed like forever (I SAW HEECHUL) before Peter Goh called "LAST YEAR'S J2S" to get into the hall. On the way in, Xing and I posed retardedly for a photograph (see above), and Haniel was all, CAN YOU NOT TAKE PICTURES NOW cause of the impending doom and all that jazz, but the dude was like no. Suspicious no? Since when did school photog get so gutsy. XD He was snapping pics all throughout the thing, but I'm getting ahead of myself here. Fon snuck in to sit with us, and we all crowded and sat randomly-but-together and prepared ourselves for the big show.
So as usual, Ms Christina Tan talked, then TTH came up. We prepared ourselves for a damn long talk, and we weren't disappointed luh. Then he started flashing the passes and distinctions for the respective subjects, and people were clapping, but I was all, PFFT CLAP FOR WHAT IF YOU'RE ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T DO WELL. There's always the chance. Me, pessimistic as always for fear of getting my hopes up before they're dashed, was sitting there scowling by the time he started flashing the top scorers. Then he moved on to the 80+ pointers, and I was going all, AHH imagine if my name was up there. THEN SUDDENLY. A DAMN LONG NAME.
MY FIRST REACTION WAS WTF NO IT'S A MISTAKE, AN ERROR. Then I saw my L1R5, CCA, and I FREAKED. MY EYES WERE AS LARGE AS SAUCERPLATES. Then the people around me started turning to me and freaking out, and I was still going all THIS IS A MISTAKE.
Let me qualify my denial. I'm not one of those people whose names get posted up for special mention. I'm not, in terms of academics, anything special. I creep along and sometimes do average, sometimes do fairly well, but not remarkably so. So you can see how this might've come as a shock. Terribly unexpected. I was just praying all the months before that I might stand a chance to get into Uni. Now, I stand a chance to CHOOSE. Uni life has become more tangible, attainable! I think I'll need quite a while to get over this miracle. XD Haniel said I studied hard, but it was nothing memorable. I suppose I did something right despite all my playing and slacking, though in hindsight, if I hadn't been so distracted, I might've even done better. (:
Eventually, I accepted it, and called mum with shaking hands. Was met with an explosion of noise, not to mention joy, over the phone. (: Called Dad next, was met with a "so is that good??". HAHAHAHAHA. Ahh I love my parents. XD I've thanked God so many times cause I simply cannot say I did this without His help, I really can't. I'm really thankful that he chose this path for me that was the easier one for me to accept, and I know whatever comes to me is his will, and I'm just especially thankful that it was for the better, and brought me such overwhelming happiness. I also thanked the teachers I could find, and mentally thanked those I could now. I really owe it to them and their endless patience and help. Who says it's about what school you're from! HAHA.
So, I think I'm still trying to accept it. Hahahaha. Went to SMU Open House today, pretty daunting. Dad's pushing for it cause it's near and he can send me and all, but I really wna go NUS FASS. Ever since I came into JC. Ahh I dno why, I just do. After all, the private sector, when hiring you, simply wants to know if you've graduated or not. And I'd rather graduate and do well in something I can enjoy for 3/4 years, than to slave away at something that SUCKS AND I SUCK IN for 3/4 years. I'm not quite that tolerant yet. HAHA. I'm just trying to prolong the time when I can't make my choices anymore, like being practical for the future and not being able to do what I love. Of course, that's not necessarily true, but it IS unavoidable if you wna eke out a more-than-just-scraping-by living. And God knows I spend money like water. XD
I hope that all of my friends get to do what they want to do, because I know the effort they have put in. And it will not go to waste. Maybe now, results aren't what you expect. But NEVER, NEVER give up. This door may be closed to some, narrow to others, but there will always be other ways. It doesn't matter, just pick up the pieces and move on to a different puzzle. Who knows what adventures and life lessons will wait for you there but yourself. I hope I'm not too cheesy, but this good saying just comes to mind.
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Add your own sugar. (:
PS, that photographer I mentioned earlier? From Stomp. Go to Youthphoria and find SRJC pictures. ^^ And look for BLUE. Haniel and I WILL be there, when it's not Daryl. XD
PSS, I want to gloat, that the girl who called me a bimbotic freak, and who said her command of English was better than mine (read: EUDORA) got 71 points. HAH. SUCK ON THAT.
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