Saturday, May 29, 2010
Drama in the rain!

Whoo! Last night, something interesting happened. It showed me a few things, from the pettiness and small-minded thinking of a dissatisfied man, the aforementioned discontent probably stemming from his own miserable life, to the stubborn forces of pig-headedness, and that every disagreement needs to have a mediator.
Last night, it was raining, pretty steadily but by no means heavily, and there was an incessant horning outside my house. So naturally, being the busybody I am, (sis and) I went down to check it out. Now before you call me on this, we stepped out to find dad under an umbrella and observing. XDDDDDD
Turns out that two dudes in cars were facing each other, each refusing to give way. I could point fingers several ways, but I believe the main problem lies therein with my neighbour, who parks his HUGE-ASS van at the side of the road, promptly narrowing a two-way road to one. So, a car tries to pass, but is blocked by a car coming from the other direction, who is trying to overtake the parked van. Now the first car has the right of way, following the highway code, but the latter refused to move. His reason? "I came first!"
So neither wanted to move, and a build-up formed. People were pretty pissed, coming down, threatening to call the police, gesticulating as animatedly as they could with one hand, the other being preoccupied by an umbrella. All of this, we looked on with a detached interest. Eventually, after what felt like a long time of a wild west-like showdown, my neighbour came out and did some talking, blablabla, and FINALLY the dude in the wrong gave way. That's how we do it!
I know pride's important, but if you just give way, a lot of inconvenience can be prevented, and everyone can just go home. After all, it's raining. Who wants to be miserable, stuck out here? Then again, having said that, I wouldn't be the one to give way. XD Naturally, we were silently willing the first car to stand his ground. HAHA oh the lack of events we have in our lives to be so riveted by this silly thing.
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