Thursday, May 27, 2010
Power Trip

This morning, I think my house's power outted at least 20 times, and I'm not exaggerating! I kept waking up cause my fan was starting and stopping, starting and stopping. And it's hella annoying. Goodness knows what my maid was doing with the power, but I hope she doesn't do it again. It's no fun having to wake up to still air. :( And to top things off, my clock radio naturally, restarted cause it's wired up suckily like that. Ohh boo. DX
I just finished watching Swept Away, starring Madonna, where she plays a spoilt millionaire's wife stranded on a desert island with a member of the crew of a ship they were cruising on, and she pretty much treated him like dirt before, so you can guess what kinda (hostile) feelings he was harbouring. It was lovely, but I felt there were a little too much desert island shots which were really excessive. I mean, we get the point that you're stranded on a desert island! But wow, the clincher; THE ENDING SUCKED. DX I don't wna spoil anything, but my heart's broken and I'm gna need at least 10 happy endings to fill that gaping hole in my chest that used to hold my heart. BAWWWWW. I'd tell y'all to watch it, but not really. ^^
I changed my blogskin! I'm gna do more things when I'm satisfied with it; I know it looks plain and boring now, but it's easy to read! And when I get some nice thumbnails here and there, it's gna be just right. Ahh. Now I regret changing my old blogskin prior to my former one, but we must all move on.
My swell's going down, and I've got driving tonight. It's not that bad - not as bad as my first extraction. I swear, no one, especially not my driving instructor, should be subjected to seeing me in that state. :(
Jjapagetti, dokboki and shopping with Rui next Thursday! Can't wait!
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