Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Always a Day Late

I always seem to blog a day late. XD Good gracious.
Those two (dark) furballs you see up there are Xing's hamsters. I was utterly bored yesterday, then I took it into my head to go to Hougang. Then, I suddenly called Xing and we agreed to meet there. I tried to sort my ezlink card out without the receipt cause I lost it, but got given another recipt to go back on the 6th of June. The day of Super Junior's concert. I'm not going but I feel terribly sad whenever I hear that date being mention. DDDDDDDDX
Then I met Xing, and we went to the library to return books, then to Macs, Pet Lover's Centre and NTUC, where we bought a watermelon! That fellow was HEAVY. After that, we took a bus to her house and ATE THE WHOLE THING. Like a half each, with a spoon. XDDD Greedy greedy greedy! It was really juicy, and really filling, but that's cause most of it was water. I really had to pee after that. HAHA. I also half coloured in her colouring book. ^^ Then we played with her hamsters, which ALMOST mated, to our panic, and chased each other all around, giving us a hell of a time trying to catch them! What an eventful day it turned out to be, using the term eventful VERY loosely. XD
Today, I met Jamie at Novena for lunch before going to church to help out with the name tags for the children's camp. Naturally, we were both late. XD Lunch was a cup of corn, an egg and green apple green tea! Yumm. Then we went to church, where Esther showed up TWO HOURS LATER. Jamie and I tried our harmonising thing again, but it wasn't as good as the other day. XD We saw Nicholas there later in the afternoon, "meditating over the Bible". How comical. XD
Gosh, I really want to go to Germany for the conference, but yet at the same time I'm a little apprehensive. I hope it'll become clear soon. (:
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