Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cause it's too zilian-ish to put on fb. XD I've learnt my lesson of humility.
Went out with Drey today! We did like NOTHING. GOODNESS. Was halfway to town before Rui said she couldn't make it. Poor bby, flooded with projects. DX Anyways, went to City Hall to meet Drey, walked to Esplanade Xchange to explore new boundaries!, bought onion rings and a sandwich and surfaced at Suntec City. I watched her smoke, then we walked around, and saw Jasmine at a salad bar! Also saw this dude at the fountain making a wish, and planned some movie scenario that's too ridiculous to tell. XD Subsequently, we went into topshop, bought nothing, came out, watched her smoke again. IT'S LIKE A LOT OF THINGS BUT NOTHING AT ALL. -.-
NEXT. To Novena for Udders! Bloody dark chocolate with orange WASN'T SELLING TODAY WTSHIT. DX So ate like Rum and Raisin. Went into Made In Candy and tried some STILL WARM FRESHLY CUT CANDY. YUM. Then walked around for a bit, watched her smoke AGAIN, and called Rui cause we were bored. Got nothing, and decided to go to CLARKE QUAY. Apparently it never occured to us and we were making a big fuss in the underpass. -.-
Got off at Raffles Place cause it was easier, and bought fruit plates for an impromptu visit to LawSoc! Went there, heeheehoho, walked to City Hall, visited the old aunty from Penin, and went home. ARGH what a tedious, boring day. Lots of walking, wasted MRT trips, AND WE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. O.o
NEVER AGAIN. At least tomorrow'll be fun; watching TS 3 with Jamie before meeting the rest of the girls at Xing's place! <3
Dad said I've become "skinny". YEY. But his conception of skinny is, then, very very flawed. Totally motivated now! \o/
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