Sunday, June 20, 2010
Mashed Potatoes!

So now that most of us know about my current state of being practically unable to eat anything that isn't liquidised/mashed/softened or yoghurt, I puked today in church. DX Cause, I couldn't eat anything yesterday + I was sick + medication = weird stomach. So I felt nauseous last night after my antibiotic course, and this morning too. So around 11-ish, I puked in the church loo, and it was pretty gross, as all puke is. -.- So naturally, I deduced I needed to eat.
So when I got back home, I tried to boil an egg (soft, of course) but it was pretty much a disaster cause the water was too hot, I think, and it cooked fast on the surface layer but the yolk was a little weird. So... Soft-boiled egg plan ixnayed.
Scrambled eggs next! Pretty good if I say so myself, but then again, soso. Then, on to the potatoes! They were boiling for around 20 minutes, so I could mash them down, but the water evaporated really quickly, so I had to fill 'er up and wait somemore. When they were done, I peeled them, squirming in pain as my fingers bore the brunt of the hot potato skins. Not as if they were completely fine from the egg from before. Eurgh. But then, I pretty much produced THE BEST MASHED POTATOES I'VE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE, so it was all peachy keen. XD And now I'm gna tell you how to make them!
1. Boil 2 potatoes (de-eyed) sliced through their skins vertically and horizontally (so their skins come off a little easier later) until soft. Just stick a fork in and you'll know. Just be careful not to boil them until they start to disintegrate.
2. Take the taters out and peel 'em!
3. Take a slice of cheese (those kind from supermarkets) and lay on top of the potatoes to melt
4. Add about a tablespoon of butter (and you won't have to bother with salt), a dash of black/white pepper according to preference and MASH.
5. Slowly add in 30mls of milk (about 2 table spoons) until well absorbed
At this stage, the mashed potatoes should be smooth, creamy and prettily pale, not to mention TOTALLY DELICIOUS. Serves 1-2 people, just increase the proportions to the amount of people you're feeding! Add whatever herbs you want along the way for a twist, and serve HOT. YUMMMMM.
PS All the ingredients and proportions are according to personal preference, so tweak it here and there however you want! ^^
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I found the comments box!!! Those mash potatoes look good. How about you come over on Friday? Not sure what time yet.. Hopefully I would have finished most of my "hol work" by then.
HAHA sure! But I have a driving test in the morning, so I'll come over maybe around lunch time? You get back to me!