Friday, July 30, 2010

Today, just out of the blue I remembered the game most of us would've played as kids; See See My Baby. I ran to my sister and demanded to play it with her. Although both of us should've forgotten the rhyme, it just came to us while we were playing! There's no particular inspiration for this random revisit to the past, but now that we're on the subject, I'd like to make a list of things I did as a child.
1. I used to pronounce Biscuit as Peh-Teh. Don't ask me why, I just couldn't put it together.
2. Lion Dancers were known to me as con men, cause Dad called them con men. So, I would run and point "The con men are here!" when they passed.
3. I know I grew up early, cause I started missing Power Rangers and Hello Kitty on Saturday mornings from when I was only 9, cause I overslept.
4. I can't remember having a favorite colour as a kid.
5. I would ask for a puppy every birthday until my aunt stopped asking me what I wanted.
6. Mum had to quit her job to take care of me when I was 10 cause apparently, I was becoming very vulgar. I have no recollection of that til this day.
7. I would pretend to pick up imaginary sticks everytime I went indoors, thanks to a particular nursery rhyme.
8. My Chinese was probably better then than it is now.
9. My biggest talent was singing 10 Little Red Indians in spanish.
10. I used to think the plants that decorated the outside of the hospital my great grandma was in would eat me if I sat near them. This was the result of a lie fed to me by my mum.
Tell me some interesting things about your childhood!
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