Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yours truly just got herself into a bit of a fix here, and it's all FIFA's fault! Well, I suppose I have had a part to play in the blame, cause I chose to watch it, BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT. Was this retribution cause I killed 3 ants last night in cold blood? :(
You see, after watching the match, I fell asleep, totally sure that I would be able to wake up at 7.30am to go to SMU for my Academic Writing Exemption Test at 9.30. But oh, surprise surprise, I overslept. So now I'm screwed, and I can't take my 5.5 CU as I hoped I could when sem starts cause I now find myself with another stupid core to take, just cause I missed the exemption test. Oh follies. DRAT THE DAD DRATTED FOOTY.
Well, at least on a bright note, Spain made it through to the finals! ^^ And I met Haniel for a while today. A pretty unproductive meeting, cause we didn't do anything, save collect our SGCs. And I lost so much money today. You see, cause SR is awesome like that, they bring in Nike retail and chocolates and stuff like that! And both stalls were there today! So I got belgium chocolates for mum and sis, and a pink Nike sportsbra for sis so she would stop nicking mine! And I can wear it too cause it's totally pretty. XD And I swapped $40 for the 2am ticket, CD and poster. I was pretty shocked cause I didn't expect her to give me the merch as well, but she did and we're all happy. ^^ I told her it's alright to keep the change cause I didn't wna miss my train, but I have a feeling the 4 extra bucks will find its way back to me. Heex. At least all this made up for missing the AW test. Now to find a way to break it to mum and dad. :(
And something even better is happening today, and I'm glad for that. ^^
Edit: Oh and about what happened yesterday, finally got my hair done! The pink/purple highlights somehow turned out to be "violet", which looks red. O.o I hope it'll fade into something prettier over time! And I decided to get adventurous and walk a different way home from the salon today. Walked thrice the distance I should've walked. -.- Me and my funny tricks.
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