Friday, July 2, 2010

FTB 2010!


I just came back from SMU's FTB 2010, which was totally fun btw. I've never played such... INTERESTING games before. And it really left an IMPACTFUL impression on me. I don't think I've gotten bruises for a year, and this has to be the event to break that year long abstinence. XD I want pictures! But no one's putting them up, cause we're all still in the limbo of friending people on facebook.

The past few days were bloody wet, dirty, full of ANTS but also full of fun, friendship and laughter. Although there were one or two unsavory characters, it can't be helped. It's inevitable to encounter people like those along the way. And I also learnt that soccer boys will be soccer boys, even if they don't belong to that CCA. Oh well. Jerks will be jerks.

But I made some needed friendships, met wonderful people, and had such a mad fun time as I hadn't in ages. I wouldn't ask for anything better to break this 6 month-long fast from fun!


Posted by Rebecca @ 11:06 AM