Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I was supposed to go do my hair today, but ended up with an attack of the gastric flu when I was out. .I suppose it's more of cause I drank cold milk AND hot tea for breakfast. I know, I'm crazy. Spent 1 hour curled up on the floor of a gross stinky public toilet, before a lull in the pain gave me sudden superhuman strength to rush out and flag a taxi. It was as if my eyes snapped open and my brain told my body to BE ALERT CAUSE WE'RE MOVING. And just as I stepped out onto the pavement, a taxi approched, AND the uncle knew where Poh Huat Road was. I mean, wow. Really, I think the grace of God was with me. For many horrible moments, I thought I was forsaken, cause I prayed desperately for the pain to go away, but it didn't. But then at least, He gave me this much, and I'm truely grateful for what he did.
So I'm in a more comfortable venue now, and the pain decides that, hey, since she's home, let's up it up a notch! And the whole afternoon sucked balls and milk. I decided that gastric medicine is really not worth the effort if your stomach rejects it after 10 minutes, twice. Biscuits helped. Wow. Judging from the pain, my stomach must've really been getting it bad with the acid. Thank God it stopped, and boy have I learnt my lesson. No more freaking milk in the morning forever, or at least for the next century or so.
PS: It's been less than a day and I miss you already. :)
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