Saturday, July 31, 2010
WHEEEE I just love shopping! Even more so when the parents pay for it. Heeheexzxz. I love mum and dad!After a really good dinner at Ichiban Boshi (I can never get enough of their wonderful cha soba), we went to Zara, where there was a sale going on. My loot consists of two pairs of jeans and two tops. Not so much, but bear in mind that I BOUGHT JEANS.
This is a real big deal cause previously before I lost weight, I looked really bad in jeans. Like pretty bad. Not the bad like BADBAD, but bad enough for me to blanch everytime I see myself in a mirror. It's prolly unglam, the way I'm going on about how horrible I looked in jeans, but that's alright cause it's past tense. ^^ Now, the washed denim skinnies that I got make me look pretty good, and when I match it with new heels that I bought yesterday (more about that later), my legs look FREAKING AWESOME. I'm so happy! I better start drinking more water and eating less again cause I'm returning back to my regular diet (BAD) and it's not as good for my morale as fitting into a pair of gorgeous jeans is. XD
So more about the heels. Right! So yesterday, we had an undawear outing, which was pretty pathetic seeing as only half the group turned up, and that the initial movie plan failed cause the tickets were for monday to wednesday shows only. :( In the end, we went to Mind Cafe and laughed our socks off for the rest of the night. But I digress.
So I got there the earliest, and was joined by Siew Hwee and Tintin. While hanging around, waiting for more people to come, we walked past this new shop near Chapter 2. The name escapes me, but I know it was a blogshop cause SH said so. And when I walked in to "browse", the first thing that caught my eye was the prettiest pair of heels ever! It's brown and pink with gold ornamentation! I was freaking out, so I decided to try it on.
Okay, it's now absolutely necessary to say it was not only love at first sight, but A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. They just so happened to match the dress I was wearing, AND THEY FIT PERFECTLY. I mean, that's not a BIG deal, but for the display pair to fit all those categories, it's pretty something. Needless to say, I bought them and spent the rest of the evening strutting my stuff. It's amazing how a pair of shoes can make you feel this good. ^^

Crappy phone cam can't do it justice, but it's already amazing how I can be bothered and y'all would prolly see me abusing the use of these heels outside from time to come. ^^
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