Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Nothing makes a girl happier than chocolate. And ice cream. Unless it's chocolate ice cream. With my special other, no less. <3

FA mid-terms are done! VICTORY. FA effectively ended around 9 plus, and I bummed around before TWC. XD Time passed rather quickly during TWC too so it's all cool! Pretty great school day. I also had two nice naps; one before TWC for an hour, and around 20 minutes in the car on the way back. This is what I like- napping. (:

So I wasn't supposed to see J today cause he wasn't coming to school and I had to go home for dinner. But for some reason, I guess I can't take not seeing him everyday (apart from weekends which can't be helped) cause I managed to find some way to meet. Hahahahaha. Went with him for his shots, and we hung out (ice cream!) until 7 when I went back to school. I bought Geng Xin and Eat Pray Love ! Won't watch the movie cause it's unlikely since I'm so busy, and books always make us happier anyways. (: It's true. And I'll just catch it when Mio shows it.

How can it be that we fit so well?

"We're so in love; We're so in love; We're so in love."


Posted by Rebecca @ 8:38 PM