Monday, September 20, 2010


H - I miss you. Take off so we can suki and lie around and chit chat until 5 hours have passed and we didn't know it.

F - I miss you. I want to sleepover with you, and go to clarke quay. Maybe I'll enjoy it even more now.

A - I miss you. I don't know why even though I expected it, I'm still sad. I want to talk with you and get your noncommittal answers.

R - I miss you. I want go over and tan and eat and act like gardens is my home. I just want to talk and lie around like there's nothing I need to care about anymore.

S - I miss you. Even though I see you everyday. I think I can safely say you're the person I love the most, even though it doesn't come out all the time. You've always been here for me through my toughest, and when your hardest time comes, I want to do the same.



Posted by Rebecca @ 2:15 AM