Thursday, October 14, 2010
Eating for 4!

Yesterday after school, we went to Bedok, where I'm officially convinced is makan heaven. We got chai tao kuay, orh lua, chee kweh and porridge and proceeded to EAT like there was no tomorrow. As if it wasn't bad enough, there was TURKISH ICE CREAM. I'm a sucker for that, and I had a great time playing a fool. HAHAHA. ^^
And cause I hadn't been sleeping well the past few days, I reached home and crashed ON MY ROOM FLOOR for an hour. Woke up at 11 to bathe, went to my bed and slept. Woke up at 12, but went back to sleep, then J called at 1 and I was like SHIT IT'S 1. Did research til 3 then went to bed. Nice sleeping hours right? O.o
Somemore, woke up at 6 plus this morning to meet Fon for breakfast at Kovan Macs. Met Ben Sew and another classmate of hers there, and I had a really good time talking and laughing with them. (: Met 4 other <3 kids for brunch before CT, and we're gna make this a weekly thing! (Y) Happy. (:
CT class was terrible. HAHA. I had to do some mini talk thingy in front of the class to make up for the class proj I missed out on in the second week, if we all remember the screwed up admin fiasco. -.- Then there was a debate, which got rather nit-picky, and everyone got rather pissed off at Jon Chng! TSK TSK TSK! HAHA. BGS meeting after that, which wasn't all that productive. :/ But whatever, we still got some stuff settled. Then instead of studying for AS midterm, Jonathan and I watched How To Train Your Dragon on his Mac. HAHA. Fabulous movie btw, TOTALLY cute and aww worthy. (: Might've even cried at one point if I was feeling emo, but not today. HEH. Went for AS midterm, which somewhat sucked. :/ Ohwells...
So met the boy, and we went to Marche (sp???) for dinner, and had calamari, rosti, salad and oxtail soup with some bundaberg ginger beer! MOTHER FULL NOW. There was some terribly flamboyant gay at the next table with 5 of his fag hags. I obviously don't have a problem with gheys, but it's obnoxious people like him that enforce stereotypes and give homosexuals a bad name. Sigh. Managed to get home even though we were uber full, and my bed is srsly beckoning. Think I'll have a project meeting with my pillow and bolster for a while. Excuse me. ^^
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