Monday, October 11, 2010
I'm just waiting. (: But not pushing, cause I don't mind all that much. ^^Today was BACKTOSCHOOLDAY. We were all stoned in BGS, as noted by prof, but can you blame us, srsly. It was boring, even class discussion about Singlish. I know right. It's terrible. Normally people would take full advantage of such a beefy matter as this, but today, not much. ):
I went for lunch with Kevin, Jason, Jonathan and Juer today at Thai Express. Had a great time! But apparently the stupid card was sorta tricksy and I couldn't get 20% until I earned rebate thingies or whatever, so I used my $10 voucher as an apology. :/ SORREH ALL. Not like you're reading this anyways. HAHA. Seriously considered skipping AS, partly cause Jonathan wouldn't see the doctor and partly cause I was suspecting it might be a waste of time.
I got to AS in the end. And it was a waste of time. -.- Class ended in half an hour. Good lord... Went to SOB to htht a bit with YS. HAHA. Then met J and went to the library briefly, before heading to OCS with him and Gerald. After that, the two of us went to that coffeeshop opposite DES to eat (chee cheong fun for lunch ftw! he had chicken rice (Y) really) and got back to school to study. Didn't do much studying, needless to say. :/ This is baaaaaad.
Went to watch YS and Hafish's short performance with Symphonia at the T junction before going home! The band is really awesome. They play SO well. Their tone is as together, as bright, as clear and as wholesome as the instruments they play. It's SO HARD to get that sound cause most bands these days sound like crap. Or maybe it was the acoustics. Heh. They rocked anyways!
Tired, got more things to do, but today's just another day and I'll be wasting my life if I go on feeling miserable on days that I don't need to. (: I'm off!
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