Thursday, November 25, 2010


But there's this really annoying issue that's been bugging me and I wna bring it up. If you don't wna read about religion come back in about two more days. That's when my latest post would've changed. Here goes:

People, especially non-believers, should stop using God as an "up-there" entity whom they only turn to when they need comfort, reassurance and a last minute prayer for good luck in exams, or gambles. I know obviously that God is tolerant and he IS there to provide all this, but THAT'S NOT ALL HE'S GOOD FOR, NOR IS IT ALL THAT COMES WITH FOLLOWING HIM.

It's like I'm watching my best friend being USED.

And I feel (well obviously what I feel is wrong but I'm indignant right now so shut up and don't come to debate with me about this) that you should't go to him if you only expect this. This temporal gratification, to make yourself feel better by asking God to help you. He will help, but after he does, you don't give him glory. You don't turn to him anymore than when you have to in other similiar situations.

You don't treat your friends this way, do you? You establish a long-term relationship with someone. And if you always have God to talk to, you better bloody well owe alot to him. Imagine if you keep irritating your friend by wanting a listening ear, YOU REALLY OWE THAT FRIEND RIGHT?!

And next, if you follow him, it's not just about comfort, solace and happiness. It's also about being indebted to him, and that means doing things that are out of your comfort zone. It's not a relationship of convenience, you too have to sacrifice things. Life with God isn't just a bed of roses, somethings that you need to do for him are painful. So don't just use him, FREAKING GIVE SOMETHING BACK.

He died for you, for goodness sakes. Show some respect.

Posted by Rebecca @ 10:34 AM