Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Study Week

Dad just said eating my popcorn is like eating styrofoam. I don't blame him; it's been weeks. HAHA.
A random start off. But now back to relevance. It's review week! ): And I've studied longer so far this week than I have in many weeks. Sigh. Feeling the antsy, distracted feeling of JC again. Don't like studying! Especially when I'm not particularly prepared. The temporal qualities that uni mods take on mean that I don't fully know/internalise/absorb what I'm studying. Cause there's no point studying long term for it cause these mods only last 3 months, and because of that, my subconsciousness isn't completely moving to make room for it long-term. In short, it's basically forgettable, and I don't really like this feeling, as if my brain's reluctantly inching aside for a tenant it knows it's gna boot out very soon. Bah! ): Don't want to do this. There're so many things I don't like, so many things I'm unhappy with. I wonder if this is how I'll feel for the rest of my life.
Feeling lethargic already. I think that's what I'm feeling. I got power braces, and whilst they don't really hurt as much as they sound and appear to, it means I can't get red and green for christmas. ): And my danger days pre-order is gna be delayed cause of the ray guns that weren't up to standards. But Warner Bros' email was very sweet, and I know obviously that's what they're trying to do, sounding gracious and all, but I'm fully convinced and totally understanding. HAHA. Gosh, corp comm does sound good. XD
On the bright side! Urban outfitters, I'm in love with. I'm so yoda. HAHA. But seriously, any store which sells GRAMOPHONES are good enough for me. And black friday is coming ohmygod. Should I buy?! //dies NEED TO SAVE MOAR MOAR MOAR NAO.

The older post with the fake zombie farm can be damned, but J, who is quickly becoming my most favourite person in the world despite his disgusting habits like burping onto me, jailbroke his ipod touch to download heaps of games for me to play! And one of those games is... ZOMBIE FREAKING FARM. I LOVE IT. All my little zombies going around thinking pretty thoughts, and the strategic planning... OH. Someone peel me away before I turn into one myself!
Edit: I just realised I blogged about this in the previous post too. Oh my disconnected life. HAHA.
Going to nap now, cause I need to try to study. Hate studying at home, but cause today's a public holiday I can't go to school/libraries. ):
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