Monday, October 31, 2011
DURING MA. ARGH like I'm not failing already. D:Sidenote: I've got so many permutations of my password I have to try again at least once everytime I log into anything cause I get it wrong the first time.
THIS WEEK IS SO HECTICCC. And I'm blogging. -.- I better not forget to do my psych reflection tomorrow. :O
STRESSUMS. I should start on indiv assignments earlier. D: BUT I'M JUST SO LAZY. RAWR. At least I've managed to balance crazy work time with down time this week. :D Hee. And yes, I have my priorities right. (:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Schoolwork is overwhelming me! Or maybe rather the thought of schoolwork I'll inevitably have to deal with soon. D: Sigh typicallll.Attended korkor Daniel's wedding dinner on Sunday night! It was at Fullerton. Brings back Butter Fac memories. :D The food was pretty good, individual plate style. And I totally loved the concept of the wedding, even though I didn't actually attend. But I saw pictures and videos, and korkor Daniel had this whole Marvel/DC Superman theme around his photoshoot and concept. It was SOOOOO cool. Makes me wna have a fabulous wedding. :D Hear that Nate?!
Anyways I slept at 4.45 after a late night discussion with Nate, then met him at like 9.45 this morning. I was like dying when I woke up and basically suffered trying to pretend I was awake and alert in front of dad. But when I reached school at 8, the facade came crumbling down and I slept on my laptop case at the SOE benches for one and a half hours. HAHA.
Went for a random walk when Natey Watey came and hunted high and low for famous amos cookies to fulfill a craving. THEY'RE AWESOME SHITXZ LIKE ALWAYS.
Anyways I'm like trying not to collapse and die in psych class. I can only think about the sleep I'll be able to enjoy when I get home. ARGH GIVE ME BED NAO.
Monday, October 10, 2011
So thoroughly powerfulA tugging, a filling
To overwhelm and
Threaten to swallow
Every part of me
I should be afraid but
Yet I'm compelled
To surrender to the
Push-pull of the waves
That take me out
So far out
Into the blue
I love you.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Bad Dreams
Are made of NOTHING. I think the important thing to remember is that when you wake up, it's not real. When you wake up, you get back to reality, and whatever you've been dreaming will vanish. Whether good or bad. We may feel a twinge of regret if we've been dreaming about something amazing, or relief, if the dream wasn't as wonderful as we'd all like them to be.The last thing I'd like is for my rest time to be spoilt with bad dreams! Eurgh! On a side note, the boy is the most wonderful being in the worlddddd cause he didn't laugh at me when I told him about my dream. PLUS, not only did he NOT laugh at me, he actually reassured me. Even though it was ONLY a dream. RAWR HOW IS IT THAT YOU UNDERSTAND ME SO WELL NATE. Sighhh. <3
STUDYING FOR MA TEST TOMORROW. Sigh. My productivity is starting to waver. D: I'M SLEEPING LATE TONIGHT AND WAKING UP EARLY TOMORROW. MURRRR. And I don't care if it means I have to eat to stay awake. And NO, that's not just an excuse to make myself a totally yummyyyy grilled cheese. :DDDDDDDDDDD
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Ages ago
Since I posted. So much has happened! I joined my school band in May or thereabouts, in an attempt to exploit them for a trip to Vienna to play in a concert and competition. I dyed my hair pink at the end of summer. I've become part of the Caderas exco, which is a shit load of work to do. More importantly, I've made new friends, forged new relationships and took my lying to my family up to the next level. :/ But that's a long story, I don't wna talk about it here. Oops.One of the noteworthy things in my life is that apparently I've stayed on in band, as evidenced by me being one of the musicians playing for Colours, which is a Symphonia concert. I shouldn't even be there!! Sigh. So much for cutting ties after Vienna. This was a fail. I don't think I can handle two CCAs. The double life I have to lead to conceal this from the parentals is too much!
Another epic thing is that I've found someone new. (: And I'm very very happy. Sure we quarrel, and over childish things, nothing less, but he's something special alright. He's someone that makes me wonder at random points of any day about how lucky I am to have someone like him. He makes me smile dreamily like a schoolgirl and giggle twice as much as one. He's someone who's so amazing and awesome. How is it possible that I've found everything I've ever dreamed of. I wouldn't ask anymore, cause obviously it's rhetoric. :D
Happy things aside, I'M SO TIRED. SCHOOLSCHOOLSCHOOL is draining me. It's gotten so bad that I'm at a point where I'm entertain ridiculous fantasies of not leaving the house at all and living off unemployment grants just so I could lie around and be lazy all day. Except that we don't have that kinda perks in Singapore. D:
Hopefully this blog'll see more of me in time to come! Thanks to Nate, the boyfriend himself, for reminding me that this blog actually existed. HAHA. Oh random: I really wna eat the kimchi fried rice from SMU Koufu even though I had it for lunch. :O FATFATFAT LOSE WEIGHT DO NOT OFFSET THE GAINS FROM THE SALAD DINNER JUST NOW FATTY BOMBOM.
PS: I <3 You. :D