Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Some of you know that I think everyday's christmas, but the actual christmas itself isn't all that awesome. I myself don't know why I'm like this, so we can rest our brains from figuring it out. (:
Today I was supposed to meet Fon at 11 at Punggol Park for a picnic! But I went to eat yumcha with family so finally met her at 12.30. It rained and for a moment we were like SHIIIIT but then it was alright. Unfortunately, after settling down for awhile, it started to rain again, so we went to the pavilion. Mosquitoes were assaulting us ALL THIS WHILE so we like gave up after trying the whole picnic thing for like 30 minutes and went off to her place, where Haniel joined us. (: Sat by the pool UNTIL IT RAINED AGAIN, so we went to RM until I had to leave for church. Had a great time laughing and HTHT-ing. I miss them so much. <3 I also bought a bear from Macs! (((((: I love them so much. <3
Went to church, and brought sis!!!! Amazing right omg. Then went to No Signboard with family to eat black pepper crab. So yummy. (: I had a great time today! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
SIGH. I've been feeling so out of sorts lately. For the first time in my life, for such a long period of time, my needs aren't being met. Yes, needs. Not wants. And I feel sometimes like I'm facing a void. And NO ONE can pull me back from it. Is this what it's like to be alone?I need to come to terms with it, cause moping around isn't gna be very good for my emotional health. But I don't know what to do.
Can someone help me?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I don't want to be unhappy.But it's a rut I can't get out of this time.
Monday, December 20, 2010
I love oldies
And not just the pop ones. Go to She occasionally posts little music files and most of them are uh, gorgeous?And. I also don't feel very happy nowadays. I think it's a whole bunch of things... But... I dno. I feel empty. Yet, complicated. Messy. I wish I could perhaps... Get into an accident? Then I might die and it wouldn't be my fault.
On a brighter note, I'm back from aussie! (: Gosh I missed Singapore! I'm just gna cut to the chase and post the stuff I got here! Not counting souvenirs. ^^ AND I'M SORRY ABOUT THE HEAPS OF VS BAG PICS BUT IT'S SO PRETTY I MEAN LOOK LOOK.
(2 Laptop cases: VS, Dangerfield; Summer tops, shorts and a leather skirt; Hat, Paul Frank giant lipsmacker, JEW CD, Takeout box speakers)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Fam damily
But there's one more too much too.
Too much missing you. Can't wait til I get back. (:
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Paying less is a beautiful thing.
BLOGGING FROM AUSSIE! ^^I've only been here about 2 days, but I've already spent so much and bought so many things!!! Sooooo happy. ^^ We've been slacking around, walking quite a fair bit. The food's pretty good. Two things I've really noticed: 1. Aussie peas are really good. No srsly. They're tender enough that when you prod them plump greens with your fork, the prong pierces them just nice, but not so mushy that they squish right under. And 2. The women here ALL have big boobs. SIGH. Even the thin ones. I'm sooooooo jealous.
The best part of the trip is yet to come. HURRAY. Movieworld and Dreamworld the next two days! YEYYYYY. ^^ Then off to Sydney to see Sarah! Wheeeeeeeeeee! But I can't wait to get home either. Heex. Even though when I come back, school starts in about 2 weeks. Omg TOO BLOODY SOON.
Sad part, my nail has broken and my nailpolish is all coming off. ))))))): NUUUU. I still want them pretty when I return!! SIGH.
Oh and dance camp was fun. ^^ Slack, and had awesome workshops. SO inspired to learn Zouk!! No, not the club. XD
If only... Then we would be perfect.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
I can't wait

For you to come back.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Unhappyyy.Know why?
Cause I realised I don't really have people I'm close to. Haniel's in army, Fon's awol, everyone else has their own school.
Sounds pretty pathetic right. Hahahaha.
I may have many things, but I envy those with a tight bunch of friends they can call theirs.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
And for two weeks, I'll be away from you. I can't wait til the day I'm back safely in your arms again. )':"And if you stay, I would even wait all night, or until my heart explodes."
I love you.