Sunday, May 31, 2009
Backstreet Boys
God, I was just listening to Backstreet Boys. HAHAHA I know right!And this line is really nice.
"How can it be you're asking me to feel the things you never show." - Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
Gosh, HAHA I miss them! <3
And to think, our kids'll never know who they are. Ever! A shame. DX
Saturday, May 30, 2009
New waking record.
Omg I just woke up!NEW WAKING RECORD!
And the rents didn't even KEEL ME! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Sleeping late.
Been sleeping late recently. HAHA. I BLAME IT ON MYSOJU!!! I suddenly think that With You sounds really really really nice. XD It's awesome!So today we, well, yesterday, we as in the dance team went to watch the Finnish National Ballet's Anna Karenina. Real nice, a little draggy, but it was awesome. XD Dwayne fell asleep, so I gave the people a summary of act II during the intermission in 3 minutes. HAHA not bad ehh. And I wonder why I'm doing badly in GP. XD And we have to write a review, inevitably. AHHH YAPPARI. Mr Dan is always like this! And he doesn't even read them proper, only his chun gu's one, I bet. HAHAHA.
Before the ballet, Zi Qi, Samantha, Liling and I went to Gelare to eat. Then Body Shop was opposite, so I went to get this really nice lip balm! IT SMELLS AWESOME! <3 HAHAHA that's so typically me, I HAVE to go buy something whenever I go anywhere, be it irrelevant or not. SOMEONE TAKE AWAY MY MONEY BEFORE I SQUANDER IT ALL AWAY!!! Actually, we should be grateful for school cause you can't really waste that much. Jyoto, there's food. Awwh great.
SO ANYWAYS, before I got into my financial grief, I was saying. HAHA. We ate there, then after the show we went back for ice cream! I had loads of fun with the girls. XD We even camwhored. The pictures COST MONEY OKAY! Cause we took them in the theatre there itself, so you have to PAY MONEY to get in to take the pictures okay! People told me I looked quite jap today. YEY! Then Rachel they all couldn't recognise me, dno why. HAHA. And I kept changing looks, apparently, cause I wore my glasses, then I pushed my hair back with them. So I had 3 looks today! OOH can become a spy. HAHAHA.
Kay, that's all the nonsense for tonight. I think I'll go sleep now, go back to mysoju tomorrow. XDDDDDDDDDD Absolute Boyfriend FTW! Wish I had one, I'll appreciate him so much better than that ungrateful Riiko!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Mayble's birthday
"I've got a jar of dirt, I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it!"Hahahahahaha. I love Johnny Depp.
So I've come back after spending a night at someone's place. XD HAHA. Omg we went shopping yesterday at PS, and spend like 100++ at Springfield (Sr Kingfield). XDDDD Like omg, why did we have to love Springfield clothes and not like some cheap shop's clothes! I got convinced to try on a white skirt, and I ended up buying it. And apart from the fact that I got it pretty dirty within like 3 hours of owning it, I don't regret it cause it's gorgeous. XD I LOVE MY NEW WHITE SPRINGFIELD SKIRT! We also got a turtleneck and a really nice black shirt (after much whining on my part). XD I want a turtleneck too, but they didn't have my size. GOSH I hope they restock! That turtleneck was marked down from $79 to $40! BARGAIN SIO. And there was 10% storewide. XD
Then we watched Night At The Museum 2. SUPER FUNNY, MUST WATCH. After lying around for a bit, we couldn't sleep, so we went out late at night for prata and mucked around at the playground, hanging upside down not unlike sloths. XD I had lots of fun. Then then next morning we watched half of Stomp The Yard. It's GOOD. XD
So today Mayble, Fon, Tings, Me, Haniel and Jason met for Astons at Cathay to celebrate Mayble's birthday in advance. We talked a lot, had a pretty good time. I missed Mayble, have to gather together soon again. XD
I had a really good time yesterday and today, I can only wait for after A levels, and then the folks'll have nothing on me to nag and make me feel horrid and bubble-popped. <3
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Enjoying life?
Hahahaha I just read CuiHua's blog. Like, this post a while back, got me thinking. XDAm I enjoying life?
Yeah well, I shouldn't entertain things that make me sad or angry or miserable. I should just be happy and carefree, and don't dwell or linger on things that cause bad feelings.
I'll try. Love you Cui, for unknowingly inspiring me. <3
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
So free!
God.Exams just ended today.
I've nothing to do.
It's glorious.
At least for the next few days, before I have to kick start again, thanks to cold water from certain people, specifically one person who just ruined my happy day. Fuck you.
Went to Seoul Gardens with Haniel, Huda, Fiqo, Aleem, Fat and Cuihua! Rat dropped by halfway. Goodness, we ate for like 3 hours. And Fatin was like still hungry when we were finishing! Like omg. And Huda's like my daughter or something, and I'm her newly adopted mummy who peels prawns and pulls mum faces. XD
I can't wait to make the most of my freedom while I can. If only it wasn't so hard. Cause I fucking deserve it, and if you make me feel like I don't, you can go fuck yourself.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Konoyaro.Friday, May 22, 2009
Omg.You know those weird psychos who add you on msn?
Well, one added me.
He was away, so I went to google his email, cause it sounded creepy. And I found like two blogs warning against him, so watch out people. I blocked and deleted him before any unpleasant things happened. XD
Watch out people! Google it if you can to see those other people's accounts of him.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I haven't ever been updating. DX But you know how it is. Hahaha. I'll attempt to make this a nice long chunky post about what's been "happening" now. HAHA yeah right, pfft. XDDDI dno what to think for midyears, don't wna think about it! BOO.
Can't wait til after though. XD I've like saved 80, I'm gna ask for a week's advance and dad's giving me 100. I know it doesn't seem like much for you rich brats out there who get 500 a month (HANIEL) or for CNY (KIM!), but I'll make it go. XD I need new shoes, bag but I've ordered that already, for 16! I bought two dresses and a belt from Yixin's sister's blog shop. XD Apparently I couldn't wait to shop. HAHAHA. But I still wna go shopping with my ballet friends, sis, HANIEL! Omg I can't waiiiiit, a brief breath of fresh air before I have to return to the books. I better make it worth while, for something to show for it. Hahaha. So I'll just give the pix for the two dresses and the bag for ya'll to see!
The dress and belt!
Grey tunic!

The bag!
HAHAHA I know ya'll can't imagine me wearing this, but when I do, I WILL! If that makes any sense at all. XD
I'm spending all my online time on mysoju. Hahahaha, so you know what's been stealing me away from informing ya'll what I do with me life. Ooh thrills. O.o AYG rehearsals whole first and last week of June. Hope I haven't forgotten anything. Got a class dinner after exams on tuesday, Mayble's birthday celebration next thursday, a ballet to watch next friday at esplanade and Much Ado About Nothing on sunday. Hahahaha and that's just plans for the week! Just crawl through a few more days and a few more hours, about 11 plus hours of exams to be precise, AND I'M FREEEEEE! At least, til the next nag from rents. XD
Taas all, miss me! <333
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mid years!
Everything's fine now. XDCEPT.
Midyear math means massive mind migraine. DX
I feel weird today HOOHOO. O.o
Mid years are driving me nuts.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Say it again.
I've said it before and I've said it again.Loving someone is giving them the power to hurt you, but trusting them enough not to.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Let go.
And what hurts is the most.Is that how easy both of you seemed to let go.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Recently I've been sleeping a lot. The pig side is coming out! HAHAHAHA. It's cause I've been lacking in sleep for so long, I guess my body just decided that it wouldn't budge from bed after a while. XD And I'm quite happy nowadays, cause I'm like eating regularly and sometimes a bit more, and not only am I not putting on weight, it looks like I've lost some!
OH and I got NEW POINTE SHOES!!! I'm SO glad. It's Gamba, and really fitting, and like yesterday I wore it for the first time and it looked really broken in already! Ohh I'm really happy. XD
It's been raining a lot recently, especially at night. But you can't tell in the day cause it's so hot all the time. Muggy-ish too, but that supports the rain argument. Waitwait WHAT DID I JUST SAY?? Oh God, someone, anyone, COME AND TAKE ME AWAY FROM ALL THIS SCHOOL INFLUENCE! I fear for my sanity, really, I do.
So I guess my weather forecast for last night was quite correct, substantiated by good evidence too! XDD There I go again... So much for the durian/study outing. HAHAHA. Nevermind, next time kay! XD With red wine, no less, connoisseur.
"best friends need maintainence after all and time spent with each other is the key."
Hahahahahaha. Trust Hans to spell that wrongly.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
To my un best friend.
Dear My Un-Best Friend.Guess it's lost.
Well, it'll be idealistic to suppose it'll remain forever.
So much for our Infinity On High pact.
Maybe you didn't take it seriously.
After all, you did lose it the very next week.
I kept mine, and put it up on my cupboard.
I find all of this funny in a dryly ironic way.
Even though it's the saddest thing in the world.
I was scared but once I thought about, I let it go
Everything she said to me I guess I oughta know
We're all tired of talk when it comes to shove
Put up, put out or stay at home
We'll never be the same
Never feel this way again
I'd give you anything but you want pain
A little water please
I taste you all over my teeth
Never again
PS No status, no labels, no expectations.
But I'll always still love you.